What a piece of crap!
A place to post your Cybertruck fails! We're here to make fun of this hunk of shit and throw as much shade as we can to that garbage bag of a human elon.
No doxxing No slurs No racism And no fucking nazis!
I know we're all geniuses here and just being part of the fediverse is proof of that, but the average consumer that bought an incel Camino might be a slightly different demographic.
Well, if they die, it's just natural selection to me
I mean, things go wrong with gas cars too, some people fix it themselves and other people go to shops, how is this any different?
ICE doesn't require a lock out/tag out.
Because the people who bought these cars paid $100k (at least) for them and they drive them around as symbols of technological power and efficiency.
Meanwhile, the rest of us are traveling around in a $19k Toyota Camry that works just fine.
Sure but, traditionally 'nicer' doesn't mean 'easier to work on' for cars.