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Do we have to go that far back? Haven't putins early supporters suffered from sudden severe impact syndrome?
...this is quite literally the community about history. If you don't care, you are not obliged to participate :)
Those are more current events, so not really the place for that
woa woa. My comment was not meant to be dismissive or to argue against you posting. Sorry if it seemed that way. Was more my way of saying its not an isolated thing and its so surprising the folks that will support these guys and not be knowledgeable enough to know its a bad move.
Oh I see then, thanks for the explanation. I'm not great at understanding the tone of online comments so now I understand better what you meant! Indeed there would be countless other examples throughout history of similar events :)
I mean your likely fine. Online is incredibly hard because its text and you don't know the person. When talking its so often a friend or at least someone from your area so the way of talking might be more similar. I think of the southern bless your heart thing. Im pretty sure that was a sincere thing a few decades ago but not its considered some sort of backhanded compliment. folks are wierd.
Yup. Just saw an interview of an oligarch who invested early in Gasprom and didn‘t make a dime. How? Because all profits went directly to one of Putin‘s bank accounts. I think that‘s what’s what the USA will go through too. Record profits but everyone but the very very top loses big time.