30 years ago Bausch & Lomb offered a $3 mail in rebate on contact lens solution. I was going to buy the solution regardless, but I'll take an extra $3.
The rebate rquired the receipt and UPC cut out from the box to be mailed in. The box contained 2 bar codes on the outside and one on an inside flap - none of which were labeled "UPC Code". So I cut them all out and put in the envelope because I had companies deny rebates in the past for not providing all requested proof of purchase.
3 weeks later I received a letter from Bausch & Lomb saying my rebate request was denied due to incomplete proof of purchase.
I've never bought another B&L product in the past 30 years. And the irony is that, had they never offered the rebate, I still would have bought their product and continued to buy more. Their unwillingness to uphold their end of their own promotional offer is what pissed me off.
30 years ago Bausch & Lomb offered a $3 mail in rebate on contact lens solution. I was going to buy the solution regardless, but I'll take an extra $3.
The rebate rquired the receipt and UPC cut out from the box to be mailed in. The box contained 2 bar codes on the outside and one on an inside flap - none of which were labeled "UPC Code". So I cut them all out and put in the envelope because I had companies deny rebates in the past for not providing all requested proof of purchase.
3 weeks later I received a letter from Bausch & Lomb saying my rebate request was denied due to incomplete proof of purchase.
I've never bought another B&L product in the past 30 years. And the irony is that, had they never offered the rebate, I still would have bought their product and continued to buy more. Their unwillingness to uphold their end of their own promotional offer is what pissed me off.