How would we convince people to join Lemmy?
Welcome to BuyFromEU - A community dedicated to supporting European-made goods and services!
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Be a good user. Post great content. Start awesome communities. Make Lemmy a great place to be on and users will come. You can't convince users to switch networks just because of some technical details. But if the best memes are here and Reddit is drowning in a sea of bot reposts, people will notice. If you google for something and the best answer to your question is not on Reddit, but here, people will notice. If cool people are hanging out on Mastodon and not on X, people will notice. If the one place on the internet to discuss some niche topic is on Lemmy, people will come.
So don't go preaching, do cool stuff here!
So true! We have to start using Lemmy in a meaningful way to attract other people.