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Date Created: June 21, 2023
This community supports labor, with an aspiration for it to cease to be required to live our lives. Members of this community want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and/or want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles.
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Start here! Some of the more talked-about essays on the topic.
- The Abolition of Work by Bob Black (1985) | listen
- On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber (2013) | listen
- In Praise of Idleness by Bertrand Russell (1932) | listen
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Neither did biden kamala or any other zionist war mongering regime taking donations from AIPAC & CUFI and puppeted by defense contractors.🥴🤡
Nice strawman though
Yeah, I'm saying you're not actively and effectively genocidal like Donald Trump, you're just dumb and complicit, like Joe Biden.
All you neo libs are so entirely removed from reality. You would let dnc leadership shoot you in the foot and blame anyone besides the person(s) who pulled the trigger.
You think the DNC leadership chooses the president? I thought it was the voters who choose the president. The voters who "pulled the trigger". That's why I'm saying you're complicit. Because you pulled the trigger, and I don't think you voted for Harris, given how little you care for Palestinian lives.
Dnc leadership sabotaged sanders. In some iowa districts they declared clinton the caucus winner even though sanders supporters outnumbered clinton supporters 2 to 1.
The idea that democracy is still functioning and votes are being fairly counted in the day and age of technocracy is just super delulu. There are 14 traits of fascism and 13 of 14 are blatantly evident to varying degrees regardless of which party sits in the white house. The 14th is the only one we can say is plausibly deniable and it is fraudulent elections.
In Germany electronic voting was deemed unconstitutional by their version of the supreme court because with electronic voting it is impossible to differentiate between legitimate and fraudulent results for anyone without expert training in programing and IT.
But go ahead and keep believing that our elections have integrity while living in a society where money controls everything, where supreme court justices can take bribes and say they are just gifts, trust me bro. Where 6 major corporations all circularly owned by black rock, state street and vanguard own 90% of the available media. Y’all are delusional. If there was legitimate proof that our election process has been rigged since the 80’s you all would still keep on the delulu idea that ballot box initiated progress was still possible.
At what point will Neo liberals admit they were wrong and that revolution is the only option considering things will only get worse from here and the party you all were hoping to affect change is obviously compromised by corporate money? Because it sounds like never. Sounds like you are so enamored with the concept of order and bureaucracy that you wont allow any other avenues for change to be considered.
guy blaming regular people for not supporting a controlled oposition party calls Someone calling out the obvious issues with a broken right leaning centrist billionaire owned party cos playing as left wing dumb and complicit, that's really rich.
The people who are dumb and complicit are those actively making excuses for a political institution that obviosuly wont do what’s necessary to stop fascism and actively legislates for it.
You know whats extremely harmful to minorities and LGBTQ people? Drug prohibition. Which has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to reduce the demand and supply of narcotics. All it does is allow bigoted ideals to permeate militarized police forces while increasing the black market value of narcotics and funneling poor marginalized people into profit extraction centers called prisons which corporations fatten themselves upon using slave labor. Crickets on that issue. We can directly blame prohibition and the dea for fentanyl analogues proliferating the narcotic supply. Since they are more potent by logarithmic factors it mitigates risk to smuggle these instead of the traditional opium poppy products. So the war on drugs is directly to blame for the evolution of the black market supply to fentanyl analogues.But go ahead and virtue signal about the number of Palestinians that would be magically saved from death with a Harris walz administration. What a joke.
There are 3 more paragraphs to help get it through your skull how clueless you are. Just another neo liberal cosplaying as someone with left leaning sentiments. 🥴🤡