And for others the daily recommended has been considered far too low for a long time (US example).
Last I checked the consensus is to skip the multi. A fistful of kale, spinach, arugula, or similar dark leaves will tend to have a more balanced profile and far lower risk of trace heavy metals and other contaminants.
TLDR: Popeye was right. Want to be strong to the finish? Eat dat spinach!
for me it's either the gummy or nothing. ADHD makes daily tasks like eating something specific every day impossible. Even with the gummy I forgot to make my medicine today too 😭
Some of the vitamins in a multi-vite gummy, such as vitamin A, are not OK in high doses.
The 100% recommendation for several of them is a maximum.
And for others the daily recommended has been considered far too low for a long time (US example).
Last I checked the consensus is to skip the multi. A fistful of kale, spinach, arugula, or similar dark leaves will tend to have a more balanced profile and far lower risk of trace heavy metals and other contaminants.
TLDR: Popeye was right. Want to be strong to the finish? Eat dat spinach!
for me it's either the gummy or nothing. ADHD makes daily tasks like eating something specific every day impossible. Even with the gummy I forgot to make my medicine today too 😭