As someone old enough to have chosen between save files to delete for space, I don't really understand why people get so hung up on which games are currently installed.
I remember how amazing it was to upgrade the memory cards in the PS2 to those third party ones.
Whereas the paltry 128kB memory cards in the PS1 were painful to deal with, especially with those games that demanded multiple save slots.
Cartridge based games varied so much with save slots. Some games I recall playing from the SNES era only had 3 slots I think. I remember Mega Man X used a clever passcode feature to let you ‘save’.
1: No spam or advertising. This basically means no linking to your own content on blogs, YouTube, Twitch, etc.
2: No bigotry or gatekeeping. This should be obvious, but neither of those things will be tolerated. This goes for linked content too; if the site has some heavy "anti-woke" energy, you probably shouldn't be posting it here.
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As someone old enough to have chosen between save files to delete for space, I don't really understand why people get so hung up on which games are currently installed.
Pffft, I remember typing without vowels to save space
I mean, I'm also old and I get what you mean, but I still feel this way on many occasions.
Games nowadays are huge, and my 50 mbps bandwidth can't keep up with today's standard where I'm used to everything happens instantly.
Also modded games are usually painful to reinstall.
I remember how amazing it was to upgrade the memory cards in the PS2 to those third party ones.
Whereas the paltry 128kB memory cards in the PS1 were painful to deal with, especially with those games that demanded multiple save slots.
Cartridge based games varied so much with save slots. Some games I recall playing from the SNES era only had 3 slots I think. I remember Mega Man X used a clever passcode feature to let you ‘save’.
I old enough that, as a kid, every time I wanted to play a game I had had to wait for it to install from cassette.
Besides, download speeds now are amazing.