Any tips or tricks for sticker removal? (marked NSFW for Nazi-Symbolism)
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You guys got Goof Off over there?
Is goof off just acetone (nail polish remover)?
I like Goo Gone myself, especially for stickers and preserving what is underneath, rather than just melting everything. https://googone.com/ It is super effective and kinda smells like oranges
there is also 3M adhesive remover, though I dont have as much experience with it. https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/p/d/b40070712/
I fear we don't have that here, but that would (like the option GorGor mentioned) only be one order away, might look into it, depends on how much shipping costs. Also for future reference, if this Site is to be trusted, Goof Off is more aggressive than Goo Gone, but contains acetone, so a bit of extra caution is to be taken. If this goes on for a while, I will sadly have time to do a comprehensive review of everything that was suggested so far
I swear by Goo Gone for this sort of thing. One product that absolutely works as advertised and can be used on any surface.