submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by Brain@lemmy.zip to c/squaredcircle@lemmy.zip

PWInsider: PCO-TNA

PCO is done with TNA.

PWInsider: Jordynne Grace-TNA

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TNA Genesis was Jordynne Grace's final night with TNA.

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[-] Brain@lemmy.zip 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)


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JORDYNNE GRACE-TNA UPDATE By Mike Johnson on 2025-01-19 21:26:00

PWInsider.com is told TNA Genesis was Jordynne Grace's final night with TNA.

The belief is she will be WWE bound and I would be shocked if she's not in the Women's Royal Rumble match in Indianapolis.


Spoiler Title

PCO is done with TNA. We are told his deal expired at the end of the year.

His rant and destruction of a TNA title (I believe the Digital Media Title) was legitimate, we are told.

We have reached out to PCO for comment and will update if he responds.

Josh Alexander

Spoiler Title

After losing his I Quit match to Mike Santana, Josh Alexander announced that he not only quit the match, but he was quitting TNA.

Alexander's TNA deal is coming up and he will be a free agent by mid-February, PWInsider.com can confirm.

Alexander has long wished to see what his worth would be outside of TNA. He'll soon find out.

[-] GeekFTW@lemmy.zip 4 points 1 day ago

Haven't watched the show yet, but Grace and Alexander, makes sense. 99% of us knew that was coming.

PCO however is intriguing. Wonder if he'll head to ROH or something perhaps.

[-] cupcakezealot 4 points 15 hours ago

bring back evilhausen and pco

[-] Brain@lemmy.zip 3 points 1 day ago

I don't know that I'd take that chance with him, it's one thing to go on a rant about the company you worked for, but it's another thing to take a sledgehammer to their belt and PWInsider is reporting like he did this on his own and TNA had no clue it was coming.

The video I saw is from Instagram, I don't think there's a nitter for that.


PWInsider's latest take on this:

As we reported earlier, this was a legitimate situation.

PCO is done with the company.

PWInsider.com has reached out to both TNA and PCO with request for comment on record. If/when we hear back from either party, we will update.

[-] GeekFTW@lemmy.zip 4 points 1 day ago

Just pulled up the article, whelp.

idk what PCO's goal is but that kinda shoot is not good for his job prospects.

this post was submitted on 20 Jan 2025
7 points (100.0% liked)


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