Gotta love ELSTER, my favorite social media platform.
ContextELSTER, short for ELektronische STeuerERklärung (electronic tax return), is the official German software/web page for creating and submitting your tax return. It has the same logo as Diaspora.
I doubt so. The association between magpies and theft is fairly strong in German:
(diebisch = thieving)
Source: DWDS (digital dictionary of the German language - publicly financed)
A logDice of 10.1 is extremely high by the way. For example, "war" has a score of 10.8 with "cold", an 8.1 with "peace" and a 7.3 with "against terror".
Gotta love ELSTER, my favorite social media platform.
ELSTER, short for ELektronische STeuerERklärung (electronic tax return), is the official German software/web page for creating and submitting your tax return. It has the same logo as Diaspora.Elster is also the German term for magpie.
The logo:
And they say Germans don't have a sense of humor!
We don't know if this was merely an accident.
I doubt so. The association between magpies and theft is fairly strong in German:
(diebisch = thieving)
Source: DWDS (digital dictionary of the German language - publicly financed)
A logDice of 10.1 is extremely high by the way. For example, "war" has a score of 10.8 with "cold", an 8.1 with "peace" and a 7.3 with "against terror".
I was joking.
The logo for a tax company being an asshole is perfect!
It's actually not a company. It's a website published by our government.
I'll let you think your part about that...
Even better lol