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the democrats did nothing my bills have tripled over the last few years and my pay is not even close to keeping up, republicans will drive civil discourse and there will be riots, that's the only way anything will change
In reality, the Biden administration was able to curb inflation significantly, which had a positive effects not just for people in the US.
We should also keep in mind that so many economic factors and developments happen regardless of who is in power.
Not trying to defend the democrats, but what did the republicans, the trump presidency, do for you? Did your burden from bills lessen? Did your pay rise? How was the discourse? What changed because of the riots?
I know nothing of you and your struggles, but chances are you gained nothing during that time. Am I wrong?
Democrats tried to stop price gouging. Republicans blocked it. Democrats tried to raise minimum wage. Republicans blocked it. Democrats tried to forgive school loans much like the PPP loans to rich corporations [and grifters] were forgiven, but Republicans blocked it.
Congrats on blaming the wrong people for things not getting done.
I despise Biden for a myriad of reasons, but this is horseshit.
They did do shit. It's not even the bare fucking minimum, but it is something. And we're about to get a giant backslide thanks to the GOP/Trump.
And if Biden and Harris had acknowledged that the recovery they managed hadn't really worked for the working classes and that there was more work to do then they'd likely have won. But they didn't. They took a victory lap while we have record levels of homelessness and food insecurity. And then they doubled down on that victory lap during the campaign.
You can throw up as many links to bills as you want. The truth is they badly misread the economic situation under the top line data.
Yes, hence why I despise them among other reasons. But it's utter bullshit to say they did nothing.