The future of Blu-ray is looking bleak (and that's a bad thing for everyone)
On Reddit we have r/dvdcollection, r/boutiquebluray, r/4kbluray, r/steelbook, r/vhs, etc but let's start simply with a community to cover all the forms of home video collecting.
So, do you feel nostalgic for a format? Are you looking forward to a release? Heard any exciting news? Want to show us your shelves? Then post away.
Elsewhere on the Fediverse:
I actually own like 4 set top blu-ray players. As for drives that can read blu-ray disks…at least 20(not including the set tops)? I’d honestly need to count but I use 16 drives basically daily. Working through backing up my massive physical collection.
As for cost. A movie that’s $30 one place might be $10 in another country. I buy a lot of foreign movies (not bootlegs just foreign). I remember the Harry Potter set(all films) in the US was like $150…it was $45 shipped from the UK. HP was a weird one because the books and movies were a touch different in those two markets as well. So you got the UK audio track which was fine by me. They won’t play in your standard player sometimes but region free players are a thing. Also a lot of stuff on Blu-ray just isn’t region coded at all.
I’ve also found that some TV series that are dvd only here are released on Blu-ray else where…so I import those as well. I’ve been playing around with AI upscaling so honestly dvd’s can look damn good after that as well and they’re cheaper still. Just a lot of time/energy consumption which offsets the cost saving.