A special 911 for CEOs who feel threatened
People tweeting stuff. We allow tweets from anyone.
There are two things that the aftermath of Luigi's action has made poignantly clear to pretty much everybody:
It's amazing just how certain parts of the system that are supposed to work for everybody (such as in this case the Police, and in other cases large parts of the Press with their "poor CEO" articles) are pretty much shouting loud and clear for all to hear that "we're not working for you, we work for the ones that abuse you".
Most people just discovered now with this killing of a hated CEO that what they individually felt about certain things was also felt by almost everybody, and then these bought-and-paid-for minions who for decades have been putting a lot of effort in passing themselves as "working for the community" just repeatedly and overtly signal to everybody else their true minion-of-the-rich nature.
Mind you, as a Leftie who has been skeptical of whose those elements of the current system for decades, I'm happy they're basically outing themselves and they should keep on doing it so that everybody sees them for what they really are and who they really serve,