My my my. You definitely know how to rile someone up! Will look up both. Thanks again. Did/Have you read Always Coming Home? I couldn't get through it the first time, but images from reading it still linger in my mind.
No, I haven't actually. It's in my collection, and I have picked it up a couple times, but have never stuck with it very long. That format is one I struggle with in general, admittedly. I have a hard time engaging with it.
My my my. You definitely know how to rile someone up! Will look up both. Thanks again. Did/Have you read Always Coming Home? I couldn't get through it the first time, but images from reading it still linger in my mind.
No, I haven't actually. It's in my collection, and I have picked it up a couple times, but have never stuck with it very long. That format is one I struggle with in general, admittedly. I have a hard time engaging with it.
Oh. That's understandable.