DNC Announces Plans to Learn Nothing from This
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
Great Satire Writing:
Everything polls well in blind polls. Then when they say it's a Dem idea. support craters. Chalk that up to whatever you want. I'm starting to realize this polling stuff, it's easy to say "yes I support that" when you get a phone call. But when it comes to the ballot box, well... something else happens.
So that and combined with the left never coming out (they couldn't even come out for their own freaking rights). it will not win elections. Biden gave student loan concessions, and his thanks was polling said he was going to lose, aka the left was not going to show up. ACA was on the line for anyone that payed attention, and the left did not come out.
The only thing that wins elections is "it's the economy stupid", which maybe includes a minimum wage.