DNC Announces Plans to Learn Nothing from This
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ah yes, taylor swift, noted political figure. surely, that will drive turnout. obama and bernie sanders, yes, great choices, truly, this will save us even when we're not campaigning on their policies. mark cuban. yes. multiple military generals, very cool.
extrapolate what you actually mean with this train of thought. what do you think the democrats should've actually done differently? they're the ones who've lost, what should they have done more? who should they have appealed to? seems like everyone wants to put the emphasis solely on the trump voters and the non-voters, and since the non-voters are non-voters, oh, wowie, look at that, all we have left are trump voters to go after.
shocker. I wonder what the party will head after, with this train of thought? I wonder which direction they'll go in? surely, they wouldn't double down, right? surely, they wouldn't go further after the trump voters, after all the committed registered republican voters that turned out last time switched and... lost them a percentage point in that category, this go around. from 6% to 5%. we should emphasize the trump voters more, we should go after them more, obviously, because they're the only ones willing to vote!
extract what you're talking about, extrapolate. if you just run around up in your feels as a non-american, blaming the wind for blowing, then you're just gonna end up blasting darpanet even harder.