Safety PSA, please spread.
The Lemmy place to discuss the news and experiences of transgender people.
Keep discussions civil.
Arguments against transgender rights will be removed.
No bigotry is allowed - including transphobia, homophobia, speciesism, racism, sexism, classism, ableism, castism, or xenophobia.
Centralized platforms are much more dangerous, the various FOSS federated platforms are auditable and don't contain inherent spyware. You can also use certain sites as a proxy, or start your own VPS+lemmy instance to use as a secure proxy for yourself. The restrictive nature of sites like reddit means they can ban you for taking basic security precautions, which they do regularly.
I generally agree, but that is not conveyed in your image, it just (basically) says "come to Lemmy, you'll be safe". There are critical extra steps you should take if you're worried about safety - this just feels more like an advertisement.