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egg_irl — Memes about being trans people in denial and other eggy topics
!egg_irl is for widely relatable memes about questioning one's gender or being an egg (a trans person in denial) as well as other eggy topics.
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- !traa (or search for in your instance if the link doesn't work)
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- !transgender (or search for in your instance if the link doesn't work)
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Community Resources:
- The Trevor Project / 1-866-488-7386 — A US-based crisis prevention and intervention hotline and community
- TransLifeLine / 1-877-565-8860 — A US-based trans peer support hotline
- The Gender Dysphoria Bible — An in-depth explanation of the different types of gender dysphoria
- Trans Resources — A directory of resources for trans, non-binary, and gender-non-conforming people
- LGBTQ+ Healthcare Directory — A directory of LGBTQ+ accepting Healthcare providers
- Trans Resistance Network — A US-based mutual-aid organization to help trans people facing state violence and legal discrimination
- TLDEF's Trans Health Project — Advice about insurance claims for trans healthcare procedures
- TransLifeLine's ID change Library — A comprehensive guide to changing your name on any US legal document
This is an incredibly uncomfortable thing for me (a CIS male) to think about - how alien it must feel to have been born with a body that doesn’t match your gender identity. I can only imagine it as an “out of place” feeling that never goes away.
Anyone who has to live like that deserves all the empathy I am capable of, and that’s why I think that chipping away at trans rights is utterly reprehensible.
Think of it as feeling somewhat out of uncomfortable or out of place but you can't figure out why.
yeah that's the thing! I've always hated going to the beach since puberty (but went nonetheless) and I really didn't know why. Now I know and everything makes sense!
And it's also probably why I didn't like being in photos.
i even forget photos exist.
i never take pictures. not only pictures of myself but even pictures about things I like.
I was so badly hurt by pictures that I don't like them at all!
I don't have gender dysphoria, at least not very strongly but I do have species dysphoria and I would say that that description is kind of accurate to how it feels.
I also think it's absolutely evil how a lot of transphobes also put down people like me with species dysphoria and try to use us to make fun of other trans people. What's worse is how this affects how other trans people treat me and people like me. I've had people attack me because they thought I was trying to be transphobic when talking about this stuff but I'm not, I'm describing how it feels to me.