I made a TUI soundboard in Rust! (cls)
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Global hotkey is only used for playing the sounds and nothing else, and that is basically just running a command.
This will play all files that has an audio stream (cls is also using this command):
ffmpeg -i <file> -f s16le - | pacat -d <sink> --channels=<1 for mono, 2 for stereo> --rate=<sample rate> --volume=<0-65535, 65535 = 100%>
I guess it is pretty complicated so maybe I'll add a way to play files.
Yeah, I'd rather register
cls play <id, name or path>
in streampi or other macro box. Especially if cls let me add new sounds and configure things easily. Like I see having multiples "public laughing", so when starting the sound any can be played. Which provide a bit of variety in the stream. And allow to repeat the sound for a longer effect on the fly without being too repetitive.