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I don't really eat them (texture issues), but they were everywhere when we'd cook outdoors. Grilling or barbecuing.
Usually the menu was brisket (burgers or steaks if we were grilling), sausages, greens, tater salad, mac and cheese, and beans. Sometimes we'd have chicken or ribs because I grew up kind of between the Central Texas and East Texas barbecuing traditions. But there was always at least one bean side unless someone decided to do black eyed peas instead. And more often than not it was refried beans because my granny always had a mess of pinto beans running around.
I hate Texas' politics, but as a big boy from the Midwest, I have to give your state respect for it's food. Good food in large portions, what more could I ask for?
Bubba, you ain't alone in both that particular hate and that particular respect.