Lenovo ThinkCentre m920q Tiny good for classroom?
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If you're looking for speed, you won't find it with the m920q tiny unless they're equipped with SSDs. We use them at our company with mechanical hard drives and the biggest report of issues is speed, because the poor hard drives can't handle Windows 10.l, even for just checking emails and running Edge.
Also, make sure you upgrade them to 16GB RAM too.
They're probably fine with SSDs, but not with HDDs.
Edit: Just checked the listing you posted. Those ones should be fine as they have 16GB RAM and SSDs installed already
Okay thanks. Yeah, the SSDs and 16gb of ram should mitigate speed issues. My main hesitation is the older CPUs in these. They’re not very future-proof and we are going to run windows 11 professional on them. With OS updates i can see them getting sluggish. They should be fine for a few years but can’t see them lasting much longer than 4-5 years. I suppose that’s fine for the price-point though