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News, events, discussions, and what not from Ottawa, Ontario.
Municipal website:
- Be polite and respectful.
- Please only post content relevant to the City of Ottawa or to its residents.
Ottawa on the Fediverse:
Ottawa chatrooms:
XMPP: empty
Please note the following:
* All chatrooms are linked together. If you join one room your messages will be copied to the other platforms.
* Matrix is an open source and potentially distributed chat protocol. The matrix room listed is hosted on, a somewhat centralized hub for a lot of currently public rooms. Though the protocol itself is free, libre and open source, the deployment of the protocol resembles a centralized service. This may be fixed in the future with the deployment of independent servers.
* Be aware that both Telegram and Discord are centralized proprietary platforms and do not necessarily protect your rights nor privacy while simultaneously giving power to corporations.
If the trial is over, why won't it be until next year that judgement is decided?
The Judge will now look at the written submissions from both sides, look at the evidence, look at similar trials, and make sure they take enough time to make their decision in a way that won't be overturned on appeal.
it's how trials work in Canada.
Thank you for explaining it, I appreciate it.
Not a problem!
Another reason why it's sometimes so far away is that they need a date that's available for the lawyers on both sides, the judge, and the courtroom is available; sometimes it's a nightmare.
It's also already September. Next year isn't quite so far off.