All posts need to have the same title: me_irl it is allowed to use an emoji instead of the underscore _
Actually the one time I spoke to a girl in the past 6 months was about her BMW. We actually had a good short conversation. What was funny is that when I asked her "hey, is that your BMW?" Because I didn't see her get out of it - her response was "Yes, why?!?!" In a bit of a panic. So even bumpy landings work.
Thanks for that bit.
Maybe I'll go to a local coffee place and just order my white chocolate mocha, and do it enough to say things to people.
Yes! People might respond with initial anxiety and fear. Simply due to surprise. But I’ve found smiling and calm tone can help transfer that into a normal exchange rather than me freaking out internally this person now thinks I’m a rapist/murder cause I said hello 😆