Welcome to week 27 8f Reading Club for Rust’s “The Book” (“The Rust Programming Language”).

“The Reading”

Chapter 18 (continued):
https://rust-book.cs.brown.edu/ch18-03-pattern-syntax.html (the special Brown University version with quizzes etc)

The Twitch Stream

Starting today within the hour @sorrybookbroke@sh.itjust.works twitch stream on this chapter: https://www.twitch.tv/deerfromsmoke

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ou2c5J6FmsM&list=PL5HV8OVwY_F9gKodL2S31czb7UCwOAYJL (YouTube Playlist)

Be sure to catch future streams (will/should be weekly: https://www.twitch.tv/deerfromsmoke)

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by maegul@lemmy.ml to c/learningrustandlemmy@lemmy.ml


Having read through the macros section of "The Book" (Chapter 19.6), I thought I would try to hack together a simple idea using macros as a way to get a proper feel for them.

The chapter was a little light, and declarative macros (using macro_rules!), which is what I'll be using below, seemed like a potentially very nice feature of the language ... the sort of thing that really makes the language malleable. Indeed, in poking around I've realised, perhaps naively, that macros are a pretty common tool for rust devs (or at least more common than I knew).

I'll rant for a bit first, which those new to rust macros may find interesting or informative (it's kinda a little tutorial) ... to see the implementation, go to "Implementation (without using a macro)" heading and what follows below.

Using a macro

Well, "declarative macros" (with macro_rules!) were pretty useful I found and easy to get going with (such that it makes perfect sense that they're used more frequently than I thought).

  • It's basically pattern matching on arbitrary code and then emitting new code through a templating-like mechanism (pretty intuitive).
  • The type system and rust-analyzer LSP understand what you're emitting perfectly well in my experience. It really felt properly native to rust.

The Elements of writing patterns with "Declarative macros"

Use macro_rules! to declare a new macro

Yep, it's also a macro!

Create a structure just like a match expression

  • Except the pattern will match on the code provided to the new macro
  • ... And uses special syntax for matching on generic parts or fragments of the code
  • ... And it returns new code (not an expression or value).

Write a pattern as just rust code with "generic code fragment" elements

  • You write the code you're going to match on, but for the parts that you want to capture as they will vary from call to call, you specify variables (or more technically, "metavariables").
    • You can think of these as the "arguments" of the macro. As they're the parts that are operated on while the rest is literally just static text/code.
  • These variables will have a name and a type.
  • The name as prefixed with a dollar sign $ like so: $GENERIC_CODE.
  • And it's type follows a colon as in ordinary rust: $GENERIC_CODE:expr
    • These types are actually syntax specifiers. They specify what part of rust syntax will appear in the fragment.
    • Presumably, they link right back into the rust parser and are part of how these macros integrate pretty seamlessly with the type system and borrow checker or compiler.
    • Here's a decent list from rust-by-example (you can get a full list in the rust reference on macro "metavariables"):
      • block
      • expr is used for expressions
      • ident is used for variable/function names
      • item
      • literal is used for literal constants
      • pat (pattern)
      • path
      • stmt (statement)
      • tt (token tree)
      • ty (type)
      • vis (visibility qualifier)

So a basic pattern that matches on any struct while capturing the struct's name, its only field's name, and its type would be:

macro_rules! my_new_macro {
        struct $name:ident {
            $field:ident: $field_type:ty

Now, $name, $field and $field_type will be captured for any single-field struct (and, presumably, the validity of the syntax enforced by the "fragment specifiers").

Capture any repeated patterns with + or *

  • Yea, just like regex
  • Wrap the repeated pattern in $( ... )
  • Place whatever separating code that will occur between the repeats after the wrapping parentheses:
    • EG, a separating comma: $( ... ),
  • Place the repetition counter/operator after the separator: $( ... ),+


So, to capture multiple fields in a struct (expanding from the example above):

macro_rules! my_new_macro {
        struct $name:ident {
            $field:ident: $field_type:ty,
            $( $ff:ident : $ff_type: ty),*
  • This will capture the first field and then any additional fields.
    • The way you use these repeats mirrors the way they're captured: they all get used in the same way and rust will simply repeat the new code for each repeated captured.

Writing the emitted or new code

Use => as with match expressions

  • Actually, it's => { ... }, IE with braces (not sure why)

Write the new emitted code

  • All the new code is simply written between the braces
  • Captured "variables" or "metavariables" can be used just as they were captured: $GENERIC_CODE.
  • Except types aren't needed here
  • Captured repeats are expressed within wrapped parentheses just as they were captured: $( ... ),*, including the separator (which can be different from the one used in the capture).
    • The code inside the parentheses can differ from that captured (that's the point after all), but at least one of the variables from the captured fragment has to appear in the emitted fragment so that rust knows which set of repeats to use.
    • A useful feature here is that the repeats can be used multiple times, in different ways in different parts of the emitted code (the example at the end will demonstrate this).


For example, we could convert the struct to an enum where each field became a variant with an enclosed value of the same type as the struct:

macro_rules! my_new_macro {
        struct $name:ident {
            $field:ident: $field_type:ty,
            $( $ff:ident : $ff_type: ty),*
    ) => {
        enum $name {
            $( $ff($ff_type) ),*

With the above macro defined ... this code ...

my_new_macro! {
    struct Test {
        a: i32,
        b: String,
        c: Vec<String>

... will emit this code ...

enum Test {

Application: "The code" before making it more efficient with a macro

Basically ... a simple system for custom types to represent physical units.

The Concept (and a rant)

A basic pattern I've sometimes implemented on my own (without bothering with dependencies that is) is creating some basic representation of physical units in the type system. Things like meters or centimetres and degrees or radians etc.

If your code relies on such and performs conversions at any point, it is way too easy to fuck up, and therefore worth, IMO, creating some safety around. NASA provides an obvious warning. As does, IMO, common sense and experience: most scientists and physical engineers learn the importance of "dimensional analysis" of their calculations.

In fact, it's the sort of thing that should arguably be built into any language that takes types seriously (like eg rust). I feel like there could be an argument that it'd be as reasonable as the numeric abstractions we've worked into programming??

At the bottom I'll link whatever crates I found for doing a better job of this in rust (one of which seemed particularly interesting).

Implementation (without using a macro)

The essential design is (again, this is basic):

  • A single type for a particular dimension (eg time or length)
  • Method(s) for converting between units of that dimension
  • Ideally, flags or constants of some sort for the units (thinking of enum variants here)
    • These could be methods too
pub enum TimeUnits {s, ms, us, }

pub struct Time {
    pub value: f64,
    pub unit: TimeUnits,

impl Time {
    pub fn new<T: Into<f64>>(value: T, unit: TimeUnits) -> Self {
        Self {value: value.into(), unit}

    fn unit_conv_val(unit: &TimeUnits) -> f64 {
        match unit {
            TimeUnits::s => 1.0,
            TimeUnits::ms => 0.001,
            TimeUnits::us => 0.000001,

    fn conversion_factor(&self, unit_b: &TimeUnits) -> f64 {
        Self::unit_conv_val(&self.unit) / Self::unit_conv_val(unit_b)

    pub fn convert(&self, unit: TimeUnits) -> Self {
        Self {
            value: (self.value * self.conversion_factor(&unit)),

So, we've got:

  • An enum TimeUnits representing the various units of time we'll be using
  • A struct Time that will be any given value of "time" expressed in any given unit
  • With methods for converting from any units to any other unit, the heart of which being a match expression on the new unit that hardcodes the conversions (relative to base unit of seconds ... see the conversion_factor() method which generalises the conversion values).

Note: I'm using T: Into<f64> for the new() method and f64 for Time.value as that is the easiest way I know to accept either integers or floats as values. It works because i32 (and most other numerics) can be converted lossless-ly to f64.

Obviously you can go further than this. But the essential point is that each unit needs to be a new type with all the desired functionality implemented manually or through some handy use of blanket trait implementations

Defining a macro instead

For something pretty basic, the above is an annoying amount of boilerplate!! May as well rely on a dependency!?

Well, we can write the boilerplate once in a macro and then only provide the informative parts!

In the case of the above, the only parts that matter are:

  • The name of the type/struct
  • The name of the units enum type we'll use (as they'll flag units throughout the codebase)
  • The names of the units we'll use and their value relative to the base unit.

IE, for the above, we only need to write something like:

struct Time {
    value: f64,
    unit: TimeUnits,
    s: 1.0,
    ms: 0.001,
    us: 0.000001

Note: this isn't valid rust! But that doesn't matter, so long as we can write a pattern that matches it and emit valid rust from the macro, it's all good! (Which means we can write our own little DSLs with native macros!!)

To capture this, all we need are what we've already done above: capture the first two fields and their types, then capture the remaining "field names" and their values in a repeating pattern.

Implementation of the macro

The pattern

macro_rules! unit_gen {
        struct $name:ident {
            $v:ident: f64,
            $u:ident: $u_enum:ident,
            $( $un:ident : $value:expr ),+
  • Note the repeating fragment doesn't provide a type for the field, but instead captures and expression expr after it, despite being invalid rust.

The Full Macro

macro_rules! unit_gen {
        struct $name:ident {
            $v:ident: f64,
            $u:ident: $u_enum:ident,
            $( $un:ident : $value:expr ),+
    ) => {
        pub struct $name {
            pub $v: f64,
            pub $u: $u_enum,
        impl $name {
            fn unit_conv_val(unit: &$u_enum) -> f64 {
                match unit {
                    $u_enum::$un => $value
            fn conversion_factor(&self, unit_b: &$u_enum) -> f64 {
                Self::unit_conv_val(&self.$u) / Self::unit_conv_val(unit_b)
            pub fn convert(&self, unit: $u_enum) -> Self {
                Self {
                    value: (self.value * self.conversion_factor(&unit)),
        pub enum $u_enum {
            $( $un ),+

Note the repeating capture is used twice here in different ways.

  • The capture is: $( $un:ident : $value:expr ),+

And in the emitted code:

  • It is used in the unit_conv_val method as: $( $u_enum::$un => $value ),+
    • Here the ident $un is being used as the variant of the enum that is defined later in the emitted code
    • Where $u_enum is also used without issue, as the name/type of the enum, despite not being part of the repeated capture but another variable captured outside of the repeated fragments.
  • It is then used in the definition of the variants of the enum: $( $un ),+
    • Here, only one of the captured variables is used, which is perfectly fine.


Now all of the boilerplate above is unnecessary, and we can just write:

    struct Time {
        value: f64,
        unit: TimeUnits,
        s: 1.0,
        ms: 0.001,
        us: 0.000001

Usage from main.rs:

use units::Time;
use units::TimeUnits::{s, ms, us};

fn main() {

    let x = Time{value: 1.0, unit: s};
    let y = x.convert(us);

    println!("{:?}", x);
    println!("{:?}", x);


Time { value: 1.0, unit: s }
Time { value: 1000000.0, unit: us }
  • Note how the struct and enum created by the emitted code is properly available from the module as though it were written manually or directly.
  • In fact, my LSP (rust-analyzer) was able to autocomplete these immediately once the macro was written and called.

Crates for unit systems

I did a brief search for actual units systems and found the following


dimensioned documentation

  • Easily the most interesting to me (from my quick glance), as it seems to have created the most native and complete representation of physical units in the type system
  • It creates, through types, a 7-dimensional space, one for each SI base unit
  • This allows all possible units to be represented as a reduction to a point in this space.
    • EG, if the dimensions are [seconds, meters, kgs, amperes, kelvins, moles, candelas], then the Newton, m.kg / s^2 would be [-2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0].
  • This allows all units to be mapped directly to this consistent representation (interesting!!), and all operations to then be done easily and systematically.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure if the repository is still maintained.


uom documentation

  • This might actually be good too, I just haven't looked into it much
  • It also seems to be currently maintained


Interestingly, F# actually has a system built in!


The post mentions data or research on how rust usage in is resulting in fewer errors in comparison to C. Anyone aware of good sources for that?


A supplement to typical tutorials that caters to C programmers interested in learning how to be unsafe upfront.

Seems good from a quick skim. Also seems that the final lesson is that starting on the safe/happy path in rust doesn’t have to cost performance if you know what you’re doing.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by maegul@lemmy.ml to c/learningrustandlemmy@lemmy.ml

Just a quick riff/hack on whether it'd be hard to make a collect() method that "collected" into a Vec without needing any turbofish (see, if you're interested, my prior post on the turbofish.

Some grasp of traits and iteration is required to comfortably get this ... though it might be a fun dive even if you're not

Background on collect

The implementation of collect is:

fn collect<B: FromIterator<Self::Item>>(self) -> B
    Self: Sized,

The generic type B is bound by FromIterator which basically enables a type to be constructed from an Iterator. In other words, collect() returns any type that can be built from an interator. EG, Vec.

The reason the turbofish comes about is that, as I said above, it returns "any type" that can be built from an iterator. So when we run something like:

let z = [1i32, 2, 3].into_iter().collect();

... we have a problem ... rust, or the collect() method has no idea what type we're building/constructing.

More specifically, looking at the code for collect, in the call of FromIterator::form_iter(self), which is calling the method on the trait directly, rust has no way to determine which implementation of the trait to use. The one on Vec or HashMap or String etc??

Thus, the turbofish syntax specifies the generic type B which (somehow through type inference???) then determines which implementation to use.

let z = [1i32, 2, 3].into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();

IE: Use the implementation on Vec!

Why not just use Vec?

I figure Vec is used so often as the type for collecting an Iterator that it could be nice to have a convenient method.

The docs even hint at this by suggesting that calling the FromIterator::from_iter() method directly from the desired type (eg Vec) can be more readable (see FromIterator docs).

EG ... using collect:

let d = [1i32, 2, 3];
let x = d.iter().map(|x| x + 100).collect::<Vec<_>>();

Using Vec::from_iter()

let y = Vec::from_iter(d.iter().map(|x| x + 100));

As Vec is always in the prelude (IE, it's always available), using from_iter clearly seems like a nicer option here.

But you lose method chaining! So ... how about a method on Iterator, like collect but for Vec specifically? How would you make that and is it hard??

Making collect_vec()

It's not hard actually

  • Define a trait, CollectVec that defines a method collect_vec which returns Vec<Self::Item>
  • Make this a "sub-trait" of Iterator (or, make Iterator the "supertrait") so that the Iterator::collect() method is always available
  • Implement CollectVec for all types that implement Iterator by just calling self.collect() ... the type inference will take care of the rest, because it's clear that a Vec will be used.
trait CollectVec: Iterator {
    fn collect_vec(self) -> Vec<Self::Item>;

impl<I: Iterator> CollectVec for I {
    fn collect_vec(self) -> Vec<Self::Item> {

With this you can then do the following:

let d = [1i32, 2, 3];
let d2 = d.iter().map(|x| x + 1).collect_vec();

Don't know about you, but implementing such methods for the common collection types would suit me just fine ... that turbofish is a pain to write ... and AFAICT this isn't inconsistent with rust's style/design. And it's super easy to implement ... the type system handles this issue very well.


I hadn't thought about this until now. Handy.

Of course there's the f64 equivalent: std::f64::consts


This pertains to Ch 16.03 of The Book, specifically Arc in multithreaded programs

I was just looking at the signature for thread::spawn (documentation linked to by post URL) wondering if and how the requirement for a thread-safe smart pointer is enforced by the type system. In short, how is the use of Arc necessitated by the type system??

For the signature, you get this:

pub fn spawn<F, T>(f: F) -> JoinHandle<T>
    F: FnOnce() -> T + Send + 'static,
    T: Send + 'static,

Where the parameter f is bound by F: FnOnce() -> T + Send + 'static.

And ... I'm not entirely sure how I should think about this.

Obviously, Send and 'static here are related to my question, where in some way the closure must be thread-safe (through the Send trait) and also have a whole-life-of-the-program lifetime (through the 'static lifetime). Therefore, in some way, something like Rc would be invalid but Arc would be.

But how exactly?

  1. Are the bounds on the return type of the function/closure, which then sort of back propagate onto the input parameters or captured values of the function/closure?
  2. Or are these somehow properties of the function itself?
  3. And why is T separately bound by Send + 'static when they are already present in the bounds on F?

My best guess is that the bounds on F are best parsed as ...

F: ( FnOnce() -> T ) + Send + 'static
T: Send + 'static

IE, Everything separated by a + is unitary, and, therefore, FnOnce() -> T is a single bound and Send another separate bound.

But I'm unsure about that, haven't read that anywhere, and am not really sure how to understand how exactly a function can have Send or 'static without some logic linking that directly to its input parameters?



I'll be clear, quite embarrassingly I bit my tongue hard last night and haven't been talking right all day. Hurts to talk, hurts to eat, and worst of all hot tea is undrinkable. How will I live. Now I know exactly what it feels like to be soldier wounded in combat.

Will resume next week in full force. In the meantime however please feel free to read ahead. Or, alternatively, try out a few leetcode\advent of code questions. This what I'll be doing tonight.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by maegul@lemmy.ml to c/learningrustandlemmy@lemmy.ml

The about section of the linked page has links and a brief explanation of the story.

In my own words ...

Description of the Turbo-fish syntax

  • Whenever a generic type (see ch 10 of The Book) is involved in calling a function/method or constructing/handling a struct/enum, you may need to specify that concrete type for that generic.
  • This type is provided with the turbo fish syntax: ::<> ... where the type goes between the angle brackets.
  • EG:
let v = Vec::new();

let v2 = Vec::<i32>::new()
  • The elements of v have an undefined type, which rust will infer once an element is pushed into it. But v2 has a defined element type, i32, defined using the turbo fish.

The Story

  • This syntax wasn't always liked, and the double colons (::) thought redundant.
  • But it stuck
  • And was given the name "turbo-fish" by Anna Harren (u/deadstone, Reddit) ... who sadly passed away in 2021.
  • It turns out that the double colons are pretty vital to preventing ambiguity.
  • This is enshrined in the Bastion of the Turbofish which stands as a memorial to Anna Harren ...
  • a test in the language's test suite that ensures that the double-colons syntax isn't removed by directly using the ambiguous syntax that'd arise without it.
  • See if you can understand the test (it took me a while! ... this HN post might help):
let (the, guardian, stands, resolute) = ("the", "Turbofish", "remains", "undefeated");
let _: (bool, bool) = (the<guardian, stands>(resolute));

hint: what are angle brackets normally used for and how are bool types related to that?


Nice and handy reference with explanations and examples.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by maegul@lemmy.ml to c/learningrustandlemmy@lemmy.ml

You've gotta be familiar with Traits to try to work this out.

Just in case you want to try to work it out your self firstGotta say, after hearing that rust is not an OOP/Class-inheritance language, and is strongly and explicitly typed, the Deref trait feels like a helluva drug!

Obviously it's not the same thing, but working this out definitely had me making a couple of double takes.

Somewhat awkwardly, I worked it out through the standard lib docs before reading ch 15 of the book (it's more fun this way!).

And for those who want a quick answer:

  • Read the Deref docs, especially the deref coercion part
  • This allows a variable of a particular type to be implicitly substituted with another variable of a different type.
  • It happens any time a reference is passed in/out of a function, including self in method calls.
    • And obviously requires that Deref be implemented.
  • So sort() isn't implemented on Vec, it's implemented on the slice type ([T]).
  • But Vec implements Deref, substituting [T] for Vec<T> in all function/method calls.
  • Which means Vec gets all of the methods implemented on [T] ... almost like Vec is a subclass of [T]!
  • And yea, OOP people want to abuse this (see, eg, rust-unofficial on anti-patterns)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Jayjader@jlai.lu to c/learningrustandlemmy@lemmy.ml


I will be holding the fifteenth of the secondary slot/sessions for the Reading Club, also on "The Book" ("The Rust Programming Language"). We are using the Brown University online edition (that has some added quizzes & interactive elements).

Last time we began chapter 7 (Managing Growing Projects with Packages, Crates, and Modules), and read up through section 7.3 (Paths for Referring to an item in the Module Tree). This time we will start at section 7.4 (Bringing Paths Into Scope with the use Keyword).

Previous session details and recording can be found in the following lemmy post: https://jlai.lu/post/8006138


This slot is primarily to offer an alternative to the main reading club's streams that caters to a different set of time zone preferences and/or availability.

(also, obviously, to follow up on the previous session)

When ?

Currently, I intend to start at 18:00 UTC+2 (aka 6pm Central European Time) on Monday (2023-07-01). If you were present for a previous session, then basically the same time-of-day and day-of-week as that one was.

EDIT: here's the recording: https://youtu.be/RI4D62MVvCA

Please comment if you are interested in joining because you can't make the main sessions but would prefer a different start time (and include a time that works best for you in your comment!). Caveat: I live in central/western Europe; I can't myself cater to absolutely any preference.

How ?

The basic format is: I will be sharing my computer screen and voice through an internet live stream (hosted at https://www.twitch.tv/jayjader for now). The stream will be locally recorded, and uploaded afterwards to youtube (for now as well).

I will have on-screen:

  • the BU online version of The Book
  • a terminal session with the necessary tooling installed (notably rustup, cargo, and clippy)
  • some form of visual aid (currently a digital whiteboard using www.excalidraw.com)
  • the live stream's chat

I will steadily progress through the book, both reading aloud the literal text and commenting occasionally on it. I will also perform any code writing and/or terminal commands as the text instructs us to.

People who either tune in to the live stream or watch/listen to the recording are encouraged to follow along with their own copy of the book.

I try to address any comments from live viewers in the twitch chat as soon as I am aware of them. If someone is having trouble understanding something, I will stop and try to help them get past it.

Who ?

You! (if you're interested). And, of course, me.


Relevant for @sorrybookbroke@sh.itjust.works 's next stream next week as they're hitting smart pointers.

cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/16059115

Found this on Mastodon https://fosstodon.org/@dpom/112681955888465502 , and it is a very nice overview of the containers and their layout.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Jayjader@jlai.lu to c/learningrustandlemmy@lemmy.ml


I will be holding the fourteenth of the secondary slot/sessions for the Reading Club, also on "The Book" ("The Rust Programming Language"). We are using the Brown University online edition (that has some added quizzes & interactive elements).

Last time we completed chapter 6 (enums & pattern matching). This time we will begin chapter 7 (Managing Growing Projects with Packages, Crates, and Modules).

Previous session details and recording can be found in the following lemmy post: https://jlai.lu/post/7773753


This slot is primarily to offer an alternative to the main reading club's streams that caters to a different set of time zone preferences and/or availability.

(also, obviously, to follow up on the previous session)

When ?

Currently, I intend to start at 18:00 UTC+2 (aka 6pm Central European Time) on this day (2023-06-24). If you were present for a previous session, then basically the same time-of-day and day-of-week as that one was.

Here's the recording: https://youtu.be/pUqVmPRLhNE

Please comment if you are interested in joining because you can't make the main sessions but would prefer a different start time (and include a time that works best for you in your comment!). Caveat: I live in central/western Europe; I can't myself cater to absolutely any preference.

How ?

The basic format is: I will be sharing my computer screen and voice through an internet live stream (hosted at https://www.twitch.tv/jayjader for now). The stream will simultaneously be recorded locally and uploaded afterwards to youtube (also, for now).

I will have on-screen:

  • the BU online version of The Book
  • a terminal session with the necessary tooling installed (notably rustup and through it cargo & "friends")
  • some form of visual aid (currently a digital whiteboard using www.excalidraw.com)
  • the live stream's chat

I will steadily progress through the book, both reading aloud the literal text and commenting occasionally on it. I will also perform any code writing and/or terminal commands as the text instructs us to.

People who either tune in to the live stream or watch/listen to the recording are encouraged to follow along with their own copy of the book.

I try to address any comments from live viewers in the twitch chat as soon as I am aware of them. If someone is having trouble understanding something, I will stop and try to help them get past it.

Who ?

You! (if you're interested). And, of course, me.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by maegul@lemmy.ml to c/learningrustandlemmy@lemmy.ml

After Chs 5 and 6 (see the reading club post here), we get a capstone quiz that covers ownership along with struts and enums.

So, lets do the quiz together! If you've done it already, revisiting might still be very instructive! I certainly thought these questions were useful "revision".

I'll post a comment for each question with the answer, along with my own personal notes (and quotes from The Book if helpful), behind spoiler tags.

Feel free to try to answer in a comment before checking (if you dare). But the main point is to understand the point the question is making, so share any confusions/difficulties too, and of course any corrections of my comments/notes!.


Finally, we can make our own types (or data structures)!!

This is supplementary/separate from the Twitch Streams (see sidebar for links), intended for discussion here on lemmy.

The idea being, now that both twitch streams have read Chapters 5 and 6, we can have a discussion here and those from the twitch streams can have a retrospective or re-cap on the topic.

This will be a regular occurrence for each discrete set of topics coming out of The Book as the twitch streams cover them

With Ch 4 on the borrow checker out of the way, chapters 5 & 6 feel like the "inflection point" ... the point where we're ready to actually start programming in rust.

Custom types, data structures, objects with methods, pattern matching, and even dipping into rust's traits system and it's quasi answer to class inheritance.

If you're comfortable enough with the borrow checker, you can really start to program with rust now!

I personally didn't think this content was difficult, though it prompts some interesting points and topics (which I'll mention in my own comment below).

  • Any thoughts, difficulties or confusions?
  • Any quizzes stump you?
  • Any major tips or rules of thumb you've taken away or generally have about using structs and enums?

This might be a more interesting dive into Rust for those with a fair amount of existing c and/or c++.

I tried it out myself a few years ago. I had fun reliving the nightmare of implementing doubly-linked lists in C back in school! I never made it to the end of the book, though; it got wayyyy more complex around halfway than I could process at the time.


Welcome to week 12 of Reading Club for Rust’s “The Book” (“The Rust Programming Language”).

Starting today within the hour “The Reading”

Chapter 9: “To panic! or Not to panic!" - continued
    The Book: https://rust-book.cs.brown.edu/ch05-01-defining-structs.html (the special Brown University version with quizzes etc)

The Twitch Stream

@sorrybookbroke@sh.itjust.works twitch stream on this chapter: https://www.twitch.tv/deerfromsmoke

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ou2c5J6FmsM&list=PL5HV8OVwY_F9gKodL2S31czb7UCwOAYJL (YouTube Playlist)

Be sure to catch future streams (will/should be weekly: https://www.twitch.tv/deerfromsmoke)
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Jayjader@jlai.lu to c/learningrustandlemmy@lemmy.ml

Hi all! So much happening in my personal life these past 2 weeks that I couldn't put aside the time or energy to host these sessions. Things are calming down a bit (plus I've missed doing the sessions), and so I'm happy to announce the date for the next session.


I will be holding the seventh of the secondary slot/sessions for the Reading Club, also on "The Book" ("The Rust Programming Language"). We are using the Brown University online edition (that has some added quizzes & interactive elements).

This week we will be continuing chapter 4: "Understanding Ownership". Last session we finished "Fixing Ownership Errors" (4.3). We will thus start from the beginning of "The Slice Type" (4.4).

Previous session details and recording can be found in the following lemmy post: https://jlai.lu/post/5991675


This slot is primarily to offer an alternative to the main reading club's streams that caters to a different set of time zone preferences and/or availability.

(also, obviously, to follow up on the previous session)

When ?

Currently, I intend to start at 18:00 UTC+2 (aka 6pm Central European Time) on Monday (2023-04-29). If you were present for a previous session, then basically the same time-of-day and day-of-week as that one was.

Please comment if you are interested in joining because you can't make the main sessions but would prefer a different start time (and include a time that works best for you in your comment!). Caveat: I live in central/western Europe; I can't myself cater to absolutely any preference.

How ?

The basic format is: I will be sharing my computer screen and voice through an internet live stream (hosted at https://www.twitch.tv/jayjader for now). The stream will simultaneously be recorded locally and uploaded afterwards to youtube (also, for now). Edit: here's the recording: https://youtu.be/OeyWDSJ-Y5E

I will have on-screen:

  • the BU online version of The Book
  • a terminal session with the necessary tooling installed (notably rustup and through it cargo & "friends")
  • some form of visual aid (currently a digital whiteboard using www.excalidraw.com)
  • the live stream's chat

I will steadily progress through the chapter, both reading aloud the literal chapter text and commenting occasionally on it. I will also perform any code writing and/or terminal commands as the text instructs us to.

People who either tune in to the live stream or watch/listen to the recording are encouraged to follow along with their own copy of the book.

I try to address any comments from live viewers in the twitch chat as soon as I am aware of them. If someone is having trouble understanding something, I will stop and try to help them get past it.

Who ?

You! (if you're interested). And, of course, me.


Just place to keep links to comments from this community that go "above and beyond" in helping someone out and really explaining or teaching.

There'll be a link in the side bar.

Feel free to add any links you like with a comment

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by maegul@lemmy.ml to c/learningrustandlemmy@lemmy.ml


I'm not on top of traits or generics but found myself looking some of them up anyhow, and came across the Sum trait.

Here is the Std Lib documentation on Sum (I believe).

And I guess all of the generics and/or type logic and how they interoperate has thrown me for a bit of a spin ... so I thought I'd put my thoughts here. Maybe I'll work things out in writing it or maybe someone here can help me/us out?

A bit long ... sorry

Trait Definition

From the docs and source, here is the trait's signature:

// core::iter::Sum
pub trait Sum<A = Self>: Sized {
    // Required method
    fn sum<I: Iterator<Item = A>>(iter: I) -> Self;

First thoughts: Defined on elements not iterators?

  • The part that confused me at first was what Self is actually. Naively, I imagined it was referring to the iterator (or type that'd implemented Iterator) ... but that clearly can't be true because the return type is Self.
  • So ... Sum is implemented not on any collection but on the element type?!
  • If so, why not rely on the Add Trait at the element level, which is responsible for the addition operator (see docs here)?

Kinda seems so?

  • So, in trying to understand this, I thought I'd look at the source of Iterator::sum() first figuring that it'd be the main implementation.
  • This is the sum you'd be calling in something like vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter().sum() to get 6.
fn sum<S>(self) -> S
    Self: Sized,
    S: Sum<Self::Item>,
  • Ok, so the call of Sum::sum(self) clearly indicates that this is not where Sum is defined (instead it must be in Sum::sum() somehow).
  • Moreover, self is being passed into Sum::sum(), withself being the Iterator here ... which means there's no method being called on Iterator itself but something from another module.
  • Additionally, this method is bound by the generic <S> which is defined in the where clause as Sum<Self::Item> ... which ... wait WTF is going on?
    • So this method (Iterator::sum()) must return a type that has implemented the trait Sum??
    • If that's correct, then that confirms my suspicion that Sum is implemented on the elements of an iterator (where I'm sure those comfortable with the generics syntax of the definition above are yelling YES!! OF course!!)
    • That's because the return type of sum() would generally have to be the same type as the summed elements, so S is both the type of the elements in the iterator and the return type of sum. All good.
    • And indeed, in the definition of the type alias S we've got Sum<Self::Item> which binds the return type of Iterator::sum() to the type of the iterator's elements (ie Self::Item)
      • Self::Item is technically the Item type of the Iterator which can, AFAIU, be defined as distinct from the type of the elements of the collection from which the iterator is derived but that's another story.

Back to the beginning

  • So back to trying to understand the definition of core::iter::Sum (which I believe is the definition of the trait):
// core::iter::Sum
pub trait Sum<A = Self>: Sized {
    // Required method
    fn sum<I: Iterator<Item = A>>(iter: I) -> Self;
  • The trait itself is bound to Sized. I don't know the details around Sized (see docs here and The book, ch 19.4 here) but it seems fundamental likely that it applies to vectors and the like.
  • The generic A = Self and its occurrences in the generics for the sum() function and its return type ... are a lot:
    • AFAIU, Self, ie the type on Sum is implemented for, must be the Item type for the Iterator that will be passed into the sum method.
    • But it must also be the return type of sum() ... which makes sense.
  • So the confusing part here then is the generic type of the sum() method: <I: Iterator<Item = A>>.
    • Remember, A = Self, so it's really <I: Iterator<Item = Self>> (right?)
    • This generic type is any Iterator whose Item (ie, the type that is returned each iteration) is the same type as Self.
  • Which means that if I want to sum a vector if i32 numbers, I'd have to make sure I've implemented Sum not on Vec but on i32 and defined it as a method that takes any iterator of i32 (ie Self) elements to then return an i32 element.
  • Ok ....


  • We can look at the implementors of core::iter::Sum ( see docs here) and check the source for the i32 implementation ...
  • Which gives us this source code:
integer_sum_product! { i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 isize u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 usize }
macro_rules! integer_sum_product {
    (@impls $zero:expr, $one:expr, #[$attr:meta], $($a:ty)*) => ($(
        impl Sum for $a {
            fn sum<I: Iterator<Item=Self>>(iter: I) -> Self {
                    |a, b| a + b,
  • which ... uses fold() (basically reduce but with an initial value) and plain addition in the anonymous/closure function |a, b| a + b. What!?

Why? How?

  • Ok that was a long way to go to find the addition operator at the bottom of the heap of traits!

  • Hopefully I've grasped the mechanics?!

  • I'm not quite clear on why it's build this way. I'm guessing there's some flexibility baked into the way that the relevant implementation of Sum depends on the element type, which can be flexibly defined as the Item type of an Iterator independently of the type of the collection's elements. That is, an iterator can utilise a type different from the actual elements of a collection and then rely on its particular implementation of sum. And then this can be independent from Add.

  • But that feels like a lot of obscure flexibility for a pretty basic operation, no?

  • For example, this code doesn't compile because a type needs to be specified, presumably type inference gets lost amongst all the generics?

// doesn't compile
let x = vec![1i32, 2, 3].into_iter().sum();

// These do compile
let x2 = vec![1i32, 2, 3].into_iter().sum::<i32>();  // turbofish!!
let x3: i32 = vec![1i32, 2, 3].into_iter().sum();

  • Design choices aside ...
  • I'm still unclear as to how Iterator::sum() works
fn sum<S>(self) -> S
    Self: Sized,
    S: Sum<Self::Item>,
  • How does Sum::sum(self) work!?
  • self is the Iterator (so vec![1i32, 2, 3].iter()).
  • And Sum::sum() is the essential trait addressed above.
  • How does rust go from a call of a trait's method to using the actual implementation on the specific type? I guess I hadn't really thought about it, but it makes sense and it's what all those Selfs are for.
  • In this case though, it's rather confusing that the relevant implementation isn't on the type of self, but because of the definition of Sum, the implementation is on the type of the elements (or Item specifically) of self. Sighs



A minor but interesting and illuminating point came up in a conversation that I thought was worth sharing, for those learning rust, in a separate post. I'm mostly just copy-and-pasting here.

TL;DR: The patterns you use in match statements and related syntax are (basically) available to you in let statements. This is how destructuring works!! And what they're for with let. But the patterns have to be "irrefutable"

IE, they have to always be able to match the expression/value.

For those who aren't aware, here's the first section in The Book on patterns in let statements.

I think, if this is confusing, there are two points of clarification:

  1. All let statements involve patterns (as Ephera states). They're all let PATTERN = EXPRESSION.
    • For ordinary variable binding, we're just providing a basic pattern that is essentially like a wildcard in that it will match the totality of any expression and so be bound to the full/final value of that expression.
    • It's only when the pattern becomes more complex that the pattern matching part becomes evident, as elements of the value/expression are destructured into those of the pattern.
    • EG, let (x, y, _) = (1, 2, 3); or Ephera's example below let Something(different_thing) = something; which extracts the single field of the struct something into the variable different_thing (handy!).
  2. let statements must use irrefutable patterns. That is, patterns that cannot fail to match the expression.
    • For example, against a tuple, (x, y, _) will always match. Another way of putting it: irrefutable patterns are about destructuring not testing or conditional logic.
    • if let statements on the other hand can take both irrefutable patterns and refutable, but are really intended to be used with refutable patterns as they're intended for conditional logic where the pattern must be able to fail to match the expression/value.
    • See The Book chapter on refutability

The nice and useful example provided by @Ephera@lemmy.ml (in the original comment):

struct Something(DifferentThing);

let something = Something(DifferentThing::new());

let Something(different_thing) = something;
  • Here, the variable something is a struct of type Something which contains one field of type DifferentThing.
  • In the final line, we're extracting that DifferentThing field with a pattern in a let statement.
  • IE, Something(different_thing) is the pattern. And it is irrefutable against all variables of type Something, as they have only one field.

I can't help but suspect it doesn't offer much and you may as well just use match statements for whenever you want pattern matching, however many times it might be slightly more verbose than what you could do with if let.

I feel like I'd easily miss that pattern matching was happening with if let but will always know with match what's happening and have an impression of what's happening just from the structure of the code.

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