Sape tau logo atas sampul surat ni dtg dr mne eh?

submitted 9 months ago by HTCPCP508@lemmy.world to c/france@lemmy.world

Avec son reglage précis vous pouvez choisir quelles tranches d'age vous dégagez.


The idea is to attract more users here. I could be wrong, and I know there already is ask lemmy. But here, you can ask whatever the fuck you want about anything.

Buscemi 💀 (www.youtube.com)
submitted 10 months ago by Mr_Buscemi to c/buscemi
Buscemi (youtu.be)
submitted 10 months ago by Mr_Buscemi to c/buscemi


Buscemi (youtu.be)
submitted 10 months ago by Mr_Buscemi to c/buscemi

cross-postowane z: https://karab.in/m/internet/t/11530

Wielokrotnie słyszeliśmy, że dziennikarze kochają Twittera. Uwielbiają tweetować, uwielbiają czytać o sobie na Twitterze, uwielbiają ostrzegać przed potencjalnymi zagrożeniami związanymi z Twitterem, uwielbiają używać go do śledzenia newsów. I nie mogą przestać pisać o tej platformie. Za każdym razem, gdy pojawia się jakiś zamiennik Twittera — Mastodon, Post, Bluesky, Threads i inne — narzekający żalą się, że nie jest wystarczająco podobny do Twittera.

submitted 9 months ago by wernsting@lemm.ee to c/memmy@lemmy.ml
submitted 9 months ago by anonymouslemmy@feddit.nl to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Today I realized that is possible login on twitter with a temp mail through VPN in a complete anonymous way. I think it's a very good thing. I don't understand why here a lot of people criticize Elon Musk. I think that now it's a platform more open to debates, it's almost free speech. No other popular big tech platform allow anonymous login.

that's crazy (lemmy.sdf.org)
submitted 10 months ago by chris_@lemmy.sdf.org to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 10 months ago by cynber@lemmy.ca to c/main@sh.itjust.works

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/1418762

I've made a number of improvements since the last time I was posting about my extension. The update is now available on both Firefox and Chrome web stores.

For questions / support: !instance_assistant@lemmy.ca

TLDR: See the respective download pages on Firefox & Chrome. The screenshots and features list are mostly self-explanatory.

Note on versions:

  • Firefox has a more recent 1.2.1 version, because my build script missed some files while uploading v1.2.0. It doesn't look like Chrome had this issue.
  • I'm uploading v1.2.2 to both stores today, which will bring the two missing features to Chrome as well. After 1.2.2, all browsers should have the same features. See below for details.

So how is this different from other similar extensions?

You may have noticed the extension's name changed to be more generic (and include Kbin 🥳). I'm trying to make this a more well-rounded extension, and that means I've incorporated some features from the other extensions, in my own way.

Lemmy Links, Kbin Links, and the other forks:

This is a great extension that replaces links on your page with versions that go to your home instance. However, in order for this to work, it needs to recursively check every element on your page whenever DOM content (the stuff the browser is reading) changes. This is somewhat resource intensive, and while testing I ran into lag and freezing issues. As such, I decided to not include this functionality in the same way.

Instead, I've added a right click context menu that does the same thing. This way the user can pick which links they want the extension to convert, and it's a lot more efficient resource wise. While it's an extra click, I felt this was a reasonable compromise. However, I'm open to feedback!

NOTE: The context menu is available on Firefox, and it will be available in Chrome in about a week, depending on when they approve my update.

Lemmy Home Instance Helper

This is another extension which checks if you are logged in to an instance, and it creates a button to the search page if you are not. As my extension creates a button on any foreign instance, the search page is only helpful when a community hasn't been loaded into your home instance yet (ex. because you're the first one to try accessing it).

To deal with this, my extension modifies the "Community not found" pages with more instructions, as well as buttons to trigger the fetch process or to open the community elsewhere. See this screenshot for an example. Again, open to feedback!

As always, I'd love to collaborate with other people while building this. I'm still cleaning up my code, but feel free to look at the GitHub. If this extension gets popular, I will definitely need help for translations and for things like getting the extension on Safari (I don't have a recent Apple device to sign the extension with).

Note on permissions:

  • The current versions request "Access to all sites". This is because the extension needs access to any page that contains "/c/", "/m/", or "/post/" in order to create the sidebar buttons. While the extension only looks for those pages, it will show up as "Access to all sites" when installing. Once I have a proper welcome message and settings page, I plan on making this permission optional so you can just use the popup menu if you would like.

Summary of Recent Changes:

  • Added support for Kbin
  • Fixed issue where button wouldn't load when navigating to a community within Lemmy (available on Firefox, should be on Chrome in a week).
  • (NEW) Right-click context menu on Lemmy/Kbin community links to let you open them directly. You can test them out here: https://lemmy.ca/post/1282303 (available on Firefox, should be on Chrome in a week)
  • (NEW) Information and buttons added to "Community Not Found" error pages to let you fetch the community or open it elsewhere.
  • Updates to sidebar button to state the current selected instance and provide more detailed instructions as a dropdownList
  • Refactored the code to remove more unnecessary permissions.
  • Another pile of bugfixes, UI improvements, and better wording for instructions.

Future Plans:

  • This is complete and will be in v1.2.2. ~~Bringing over the new changes to Google Chrome. Since chrome requires Manifest 3, I still need to iron out some issues with the service workers. The missing features are all related to the background processes that are running on the Firefox version~~
  • Pushing to other browsers: Microsoft Edge & Opera are still reviewing v1.2.0. Unfortunately, I don't have any immediate plans for Safari, as I don't have a device that can sign the extension. I am looking into getting help for that.
  • Setting up a proper Welcome page, Settings page, and Options menu to allow users to turn off features that they don't like. This will also let me make "access to all sites" optional.
  • Finishing the translations' setup so that people can contribute other languages to the extension.
  • Adding an option to save your own instances to the popup, for those that have multiple home instances.
submitted 10 months ago by webghost0101@lemmy.fmhy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml
submitted 10 months ago by yoasif@fedia.io to c/nolawns@slrpnk.net

A comprehensive mapping of old subreddits to new communities.

submitted 2 months ago by Sal@mander.xyz to c/science@mander.xyz

The more OC we have the better

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by little_cow@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

July 28 (Reuters) - In early May, a loud explosion rocked Shambat, a neighborhood to the north of Sudan's capital of Khartoum. Locals rushed to douse the flames devouring a makeshift dwelling that they say was ignited in an air strike.

They were too late. Amid the smoldering debris, according to five witnesses, were the charred bodies of a pregnant woman, a man and five children. Following the May 7 attack, the woman and children were buried at the site and the man at a nearby cemetery, two of the witnesses said.

The seven victims of the Shambat strike share something in common with many of the fatalities in the war that has ravaged Sudan since mid-April: They are not included in the official death count in Khartoum State, which has seen most of the fighting between the Sudanese army and the country’s main paramilitary group, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). With the conflict having shattered local health and government services, the entities that would usually register fatalities are largely disabled.

A Reuters tally of death figures recorded by local activists and volunteer groups indicates that the civilian death toll for the wider capital may be more than double the official count, underscoring the devastating impact of the more than 100-day long war on the Sudanese people.

submitted 9 months ago by jballs@sh.itjust.works to c/diablo@lemmy.world

Make sure to watch till the very end, even if you don't play Necro.

submitted 1 year ago by fit6529@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
Litterally (discuss.tchncs.de)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by morgunkorn@discuss.tchncs.de to c/shirtsthatgohard@lemmy.world

The misspelling of "literally" makes it even better

submitted 10 months ago by 0x815@feddit.de to c/europe@feddit.de

Kirill Titaev, Visiting Scholar at Cornell Law School, describes the mechanism that the Russian law enforcement system has recently been using to criminally prosecute political opponents. Previously, these tools were used in “ordered” cases against unwanted business competitors.

submitted 7 months ago by xuxebiko@kbin.social to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml

As the skirmish with Canada shows, under the carefully cultivated James Bond image is an Indian-style Inspector Clouseau bungling his way through world stage

submitted 9 months ago by MicroWave@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world

Preventing artificial intelligence chatbots from creating harmful content may be more difficult than initially believed, according to new research from Carnegie Mellon University which reveals new methods to bypass safety protocols.

submitted 9 months ago by BrikoX@lemmy.zip to c/news@lemmy.world
submitted 9 months ago by grte@lemmy.ca to c/britishcolumbia@lemmy.ca
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Blåhaj Lemmy

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379 users here now

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Blåhaj Lemmy is brought to you by the kind folk at Blåhaj Zone, and while anyone is free to register for an account here, please bear in mind that this is a server that is very protective of our minority members and bigotry of any variety will be squashed with great prejudice.

We have three alternative lemmy frontends

We also have a public matrix channel at #blahaj:chat.blahaj.zone

Community Guidelines

Blåhaj Lemmy is a space where everyone should feel able to participate safely, and to that end, our community is built on the guiding philosophies of empathy, inclusion and acceptance.


We want our community members to be guided by compassion and empathy for others.

Examples of behaviour that are contrary to this philosophy are personal attacks, insults, doxing etc. If your comment is designed to hurt someone, this isn't the space for it.

Inclusion and Acceptance

Embracing inclusion and acceptance means listening when people tell you who they are and what their needs are. It means not telling people that you know their experiences better than they do. It means not gatekeeping experiences of identities of others. It means no bigotry such as racism, sexism, anti LGBT commentary, ableism etc. It means doing your best to ensure that you don't over-talk the voices of folk who don't share your privileges.

Supporting Blåhaj Lemmy

After much hesitation, we have a Ko Fi to enable people to help with supporting some of the running costs associated with our instances.

Providing a safe space for our community is the goal, so please only consider donating if you are in a position to do so without any financial stress.


founded 1 year ago