on May 30 the law that prohibits both medical and legal transition had been introduced to the state duma
quotes from the proposed law:
medical staff is prohibited from performing medical procedures aiming for changing one's sex, including forming primary and/or secondary sexual characteristics of the opposite sex
medical procedures, aiming for correcting sexual development anomalies in children are allowed by the decision of a medical commission
this law proposes to abolish changing one's legal gender based on the sex change certificate
so, this certificate had been the only document giving the right to change one's legal gender since 2018, so the law effectively abolishes legal gender recognition at all
moreover, nobody will be able to get gender affirmative care, including both hormonal and surgical treatment which will lead to severe mental health issues and suicide rate increase
trans people are the ones our government has decided to throw under a bus for no apparent reason and the consequences will be devastating
there's nothing we can do, Yan Dvorkin, a notable trans activist, wrote in his telegram channel that the decision has been made and now they just need to consolidate it legislatively
nevertheless, they didn't abolish forced surgeries on intersex children and if the doctors and parents happen to choose the wrong gender, the child will have to live with it forever as there will be no procedures to fix it
калька и аккома, потому что кастомные реакции и мфм. у Аккомы красивее фронт, но там умирает база, а я уже нахоппилась по инстансам и хочу на одном жить годами. а калька зато больше мфм поддерживает, и будет ещё лучше. ещё там в бете импорт постов есть (nomadic identity на минималках)