Warmaster Update! (cavalina.net)

Warmaster Update!

No pictures today, but hopefully some this week, but I've finally found the motivation to work on the Warmaster titan again. Did a large amount of Miliput gap-filling over the weekend and did sanding today. Should be ready to do the first primer coat of the frame tomorrow, then more sanding.
For paint I'm thinking: metallic spray primer, wood stain (mahogany?), then dry brush a different metallic.

#40k #Warhammer40k #Titan #WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity #hobby

New Case, Who Dis? (nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com)

New Case, Who Dis?

So after hearing about those Jucoci miniature transport cases for so long, I finally saw one in the wild, and I must say they look very nice. All this to say, I now own a case that can actually hold a Chaos Knight army without playing Tetris to keep all the spikes from tearing each other apart.


#miniatures #40k #ChaosKnights #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #Warhammer40k #hobby

[-] thatdamnelf@cavalina.net 4 points 6 months ago

The hero the city needs.

[-] thatdamnelf@cavalina.net 7 points 6 months ago

Haha thanks! I'm terrified to think what this would cost if there was an actual Forge World model at this scale, but so far it's not bad - 5 spools of PLA for the FDM printer and I'm on the 4th bottle of resin for the detail parts.

Titanic Torso! (nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com)

Titanic Torso!

The titan's torso is assembled enough to get a glimpse at the final product and he's HUGE! For reference, the can of Zandri Dust spray primer is 7.75" tall and that chainsword is 14.75" long from tip of blade to bottom of powercell. This guy is a towering 22.5" tall and he doesn't even have his carapace armor, guns, or void shields on yet!


#hobby #HobbyStreak #miniatures #3dPrinting #40k #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #Titan #Chaos #Warhammer40k #3dPrint

Porphyrion Prepared (nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com)

Porphyrion Prepared

If you've never seen one before, here's an Acastus Knight Porphyrion fresh out of cleaning bath to remove the mold release. This is going to be a big boy. That one hull chunk on the right is larger than the entire upper carapace of a Questoris/Abominant class knight, larger than a Cerastus as well by the look of it. This is why I haven't posted Titan progress lately.


#hobby #HobbyStreak #40k #WarHamFam #ChaosKnights #WarhammerCommunity #miniatures

Khorne Daemon Allies (nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com)

Khorne Daemon Allies

Taking a break from the Titan (not really, the epoxy is just drying) to paint something a little different. So I went ahead and painted up a couple Khorne Daemons to be allies, starting with two characters. These were fun to do and were relatively quick to paint. I'm especially proud of the Skullmaster's sword.


#hobby #HobbyStreak #Khorne #40k #miniatures #MiniaturePainting #WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity #Warhammer40k #Chaos #ChaosDaemons

[-] thatdamnelf@cavalina.net 5 points 8 months ago

I'm glad that I've received so much positive feedback from the community. Next week's update I'll hopefully have some solid progress on assembling the torso.

[-] thatdamnelf@cavalina.net 5 points 8 months ago

Possibly a hamster, but given that lab rats love driving cars it might be nice to give one of them a chance.

These Foots Are Made For Stompin' (nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com)

These Foots Are Made For Stompin'

And that's just what they'll do.
Weekly progress update on the Warmaster Titan! The legs are fully assembled and posed. This is a BIG model. I'm fairly sure the sizing is within an acceptable margin of error based off the height chart GW put out. Especially given that the Knight has a waist extender giving it a bit more height.

#hobby #HobbyStreak #40k #miniatures #Titan #WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity #Warhammer40k #3dPrinting

[-] thatdamnelf@cavalina.net 4 points 8 months ago

Fantastic work on that model!

The Forges Move Forward (nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com)

The Forges Move Forward

While the Warmaster Titan's torso starts on the printer, it is time that I begin posing the legs. I had to get creative with how I tightened it down to keep the Gorilla Glue's expansion from moving it out of the pose I wanted. This guy is BIG as seen by the the Bloodmaster by its foot.


#hobby #HobbyStreak #40k #Titan #3dPrinting #miniatures #Warhammer40k #WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity

[-] thatdamnelf@cavalina.net 4 points 8 months ago

The size of the foot is making that difficult, so I pivoted to just "general crushiness" but I still want it to visually translate.

[-] thatdamnelf@cavalina.net 11 points 8 months ago

These are getting crushed under a titan's foot as it steps on them, thus the sledgehammer to simulate weight at scale. I just can't decide if they need to be more crushed, or if this reads as "just stepping on to".

Crushed Crates (nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com)

Crushed Crates

Hey there #WarhammerCommunity, I'm trying to make some basing for my titan and I need opinions. I 3d-printed these and then placed a sledgehammer on top before heating to simulate a crushed effect under the tread of the titan. Does it work or should I go for more?

#hobby #HobbyStreak #miniatures #WarHamFam #40k #Warhammer40k #3dPrinting

Crisis Suits Incoming! (nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com)

Crisis Suits Incoming!

Since the Titan project eats up so much of the printer time, I have time to finish up some other projects that I've had sitting around. Here's a set of 3 Crisis Suit proxies that I'm printing for the group's T'au player.


#hobby #HobbyStreak #3dPrinting #miniatures #40k #WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity #Warhammer40k

A "little" Update on the Titan (nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com)

A "little" Update on the Titan

One spool of filament down and we're up to the knees on the Warmaster Iconoclast. From the base of the foot to the top of the knee joint is 8.5 inches, so this is going to be a big one when it's done. Currently printing the thighs, which are a 25 hour print-job. Next update in a few days!

Cross-posting to: @warhammer40k & @3dprinting

#hobby #HobbyStreak #titan #Chaos #3dPrinting #miniatures #40k #Warhammer40k #WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity

Activate the Forges! (nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com)

Activate the Forges!

I've been a little quiet lately, but that's because I've been getting this monstrosity prepared for printing. The voices of the Warp have spoken and they demand a vessel. Not just any vessel but a 40k scale Warmaster Iconoclast Titan. Yes, I have gone quite insane.

Does something this large even count as a "miniature" anymore?


#hobby #Chaos #40k #WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity #Warhammer40k #Titan #3dPrinting #miniatures

Knight Tyrant Complete! (nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com)

Knight Tyrant Complete!
Weather finally cooperated enough to allow for varnishing of 'Sardonic Feculence.' All that was left to do was to apply some Blood for the Blood God and Nurgle's Rot technical paints to achieve a suitably blood/pus-filled look.
Next on the painting desk: 'Slaughter's Serenity,' my Khorne Knight-Castigator. 'Death of Duty' is short!
@warhammer40k @Bluesheep

#hobby #HobbyStreak #miniatures #WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity #40k #ChaosKnights #Warhammer40k #MiniaturePainting

[-] thatdamnelf@cavalina.net 4 points 10 months ago

So other than the Horus Heresy books which kinda-sort-of build on each other, you really can start with any 40k book that doesn't have a "Number # of a series" on it. The intention with most is that "any book is someone's first book" so while you'll pick up more if you've read other books there's little "required" reading.

[-] thatdamnelf@cavalina.net 5 points 11 months ago

First of many! Great job, that trim is notoriously difficult to get a smooth finish like you have, be proud!

[-] thatdamnelf@cavalina.net 4 points 1 year ago

The Blight-Hauler is such a versatile kit for how cheap it is.

[-] thatdamnelf@cavalina.net 4 points 1 year ago

The call of the Dark Ones is hard to resist once it has wormed its way into your mind.

Kind of like a certain song that will go unnamed that'll be blasting on every speaker in a few short days.

[-] thatdamnelf@cavalina.net 4 points 1 year ago

Not saying I'm stealing this idea... but I'm probably stealing this idea.

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