[-] stopit@lemmy.ml 0 points 8 months ago

I don't know him personally, so if he got quieter or lied (he actually has a statement on his website that, according to you is a lie) about his views, I would not know. Look, I see more than plenty of reasons for one not to like him. I feel people run with media reports even when we have his email transcripts that can be read word for word.

[-] stopit@lemmy.ml 2 points 8 months ago

Minsky never raped anyone. The 17 year old girl was sent to him and politely refused. She has even confirmed this. I feel as if he goes to great lengths to speak clearly and people never seem to listen.

I do agree, however, his early views on pedophilia are creepy. I have never heard him support cp, so I won't argue either way.

[-] stopit@lemmy.ml 7 points 8 months ago

I wish people would read the published mail thread and not the news articles...he never defended rapists. His quote was quite different. Also, the victim, insofar as her interaction with his old boss, confirmed what happened.

[-] stopit@lemmy.ml 5 points 8 months ago

he has never endorsed cp! He has, however, supported any one over the age of 14 having sex, and has changed his view on that a decade ago.

[-] stopit@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 years ago

agreed, if by west, we mean governments. Just as anywhere people are more than that.

[-] stopit@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 years ago

The US can be worse than Russia...but that doesn't make Russia good.

[-] stopit@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago

late to the game... but you got upvoted(Im shocked)! Simply put...the US and Russia can oppose each other and still both be bad!!!!!

[-] stopit@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 years ago

I agree. I know, this reply took a while. I was excited to join lemmy, as although I am not a believer in pure "communism", i do lean progressively left. And I enjoyed it here for a long time...when the Russia/Ukraine war broke out...I got discouraged with all this pro-Putin posts...and it was obvious, if I tried to voice an opinion (like current Russia is absolutely not communist, but in fact the opposite end of spectrum), i would get bad mouthed and down voted to oblivion! Now....I understand the distaste to the West and especially the Us (i live in a US territory (PR), I understand the US behaves badly...on a very personal level even!) But that doesn't mean every foe of the US is automatically good! Two opposing people can be both bad at the same time. Sigh...

[-] stopit@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago

I don't vilify Russia as it is much more than its government. I do vilify its government and Putin - in general and especially as a gay man. I also have a strong distaste for any far right ideology. I don't understand why people seem to defend Putin so much.


I've been working through the homework and feeling good. I think I want to take the first exam on Oct 1. Anyone done this before? I'm successfully getting through homework, but looking for tips on what else I can do to prepare to successfully pass the exam.

Although it's free...I already took the morning off from my hourly job to take the exam...so...I really want, not just to pass, but really kill it!

submitted 2 years ago by stopit@lemmy.ml to c/photography@lemmy.ml

Hi there...I recently started a pixelfed.social account and got a little excited about photography...I don't have alot of money and sometimes I get excited about new hobbies, and then they fade. I am looking for advice on buying a "sorta" decent digital camera, but not something that will break my bank if I ultimately lose interest. I guess, I'm looking for "starter gear" suggestions. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for any advice.

submitted 2 years ago by stopit@lemmy.ml to c/photography@lemmy.ml

submitted 3 years ago by stopit@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

After getting fired by my corporate job, three weeks before my NYC sublet lease expired, I decided, hastily to run away. PR was the furthest I could get without worrying about working laws...so I went for it, and honestly, I love it!

But...I need to learn Spanish, and idk if I'm too dumb or too old...but three years in and I can't do very much. I don't have many friends, I can't afford to live in the tourist zone (I wash dishes) so making friends without Spanish is near impossible. Any advice? Anyone my age that has mastered a foreign language?

Any tips or ideas appreciated. Thanks!


joined 3 years ago