Well it's clear that the user stepped into the role of vzq, answering on their behalf. I'm just being polite.
I did one of the subtitle translations a while back, seem to remember it had to be done with open/free use licence. I'd be surprised if you can't just re-edit the video to make it shorter and more to the point.
Sure and I agree. That's why I mention that I'm bummed out about not being able to attend big venue concerts any more. But I know why they're doing it and I understand the cost.
As far as I can se, every person who understand what this means is angry about it. But once one accepts that the vast majority of people are NPC's, not willing to sacrificy even such a meaningless thing as entertainment... This is what we get.
In fairness with the warped society we have, entertainment has become a value in it self, way more valuable than building a better world for ourselves and those who comes after. A consumer society to the max.
I've tried warning, I've offered alternatives, I've talked about the cost - But instead of people attending no-app-required baseball matches and build a new industry they begrudginly use the app, complain about signing away their privacy and just keep on eroding the world.
What are we to do but try to save ourselves?
I like Navidrome, it also supports the... Subsonic(?) protocol so one can use dedicated apps with on-device caching, which is nice for mobile devices without unlimited data.
They even downvoted your submission lmfao.
I thought Putin already apologised to Kazakhstan and the UK rejected it?
Is your birthday always on mondays?
Have you considered setting up a virtual drive throuh RCLONE and use encrypted cloud storage?