What is HEMA?
Watching the birds on the bird-feeders in the garden. I get a good mix of finches and their colours are great - not up there with tropical parrots or exotic waterfowl but still a joy to see.
I support a British charity called something like 'Save Our Songbirds' - £25 a year. It's money well spent. Also, Sainsburys let you order foods for wildbirds and get them delivered with your groceries so that's handy - keeps my 'wild pets' happy, keeps me happy :-)
I always have a jar in the pantry but I rarely eat it these days. When I want the meaty taste but meat-free hit, I prefer miso.
My main way of eating marmite was on buttered toast. But I switched from vegetarian to vegan about 20 years ago and never found a way to replace cow butter and get the same dopamine rush.
I recently discovered Lurpak vegan spread which is almost edible. In general, I hate all margerine - yuk! - but this product is not too offensive. Haven't tried it on toast with marmite yet as I do not want to be disappointed.
One great way to eat marmite is on spagghetti - cook pasta as normal, meanwhile heat a bit of butter in a pan until melted, add dollop of marmite and a bit of boiling water, let it simmer until it emulsifies. Drain cooked pasta, pour on marmite sauce, stir, serve. Very tasty (and cheap!) I still do this after going vegan but use extra virgin olive oil instead of butter - you can get some very mild olive oil that tastes very buttery - 'gordo' olives are the type I mean (avoid the strong oils like Italian Tuscan). Be careful and taste the oil first - some 'mild' olives are so sweet they taste like strawberry jam which wont go well with marmite I imagine!
I would subscribe. Not well enough to be a mod though. I just posted on this topic in another lemmy community. I don't want to repeat myself. I am new user - don't know how to link to my earlier posts. I guess if you search my comments from yesterday/earlier today you'll see it?
My interest is both practical, political/activist, and academic/theoretical so happy to connect with anyone who shares these various interests.
My disabilities are mental, sensory, and physical. Some are life-long, some developed as I aged. My sense of myself as 'disabled' has ebbed and flowed depending on how well I am coping/how others treat me. If you shook me awake from a deep sleep and asked me 'are you disabled?' I would probably say no. But every day I have serious health problems and get stumped by accessibility barriers so in reality I am disabled but I cannot see myself that way. It's weird. It's like my 'felt identity' does not match my actual life. I suspect 'internalised ableism' and I think I need 'woke disability' to fix this mismatch but buggered if I know how to do this. I get inspired by others' struggles e.g. people fighting racism or transphobia because I think there is a shared 'alienated from my own self' experience behind these struggles. And those attacking 'woke' and 'DEI' and 'human rights' are persecuting us all, dehumanising us all, and pushing whatever it is that is keeping us from being our authentic selves. Starmer cutting disability benefits as an 'easy target' is just weaponising this enforced inequality. It's a complex oppression so it needs sophisticated resistance - this will not go away by rattling cans/fund-raising to set up a community centre or whatever. Nor will a protest with placards outside Number 10 fix it. The problem is systemic so it requires systemic change. Sadly, it's not going to be a quick or easy fix!
My two-penn'oth. If that sounds like stuff you care about, that makes two of us, and we have the start of a community. Let's see if others come along too :-)
Good point - but that will only happen when vandalism/protest matures to militarised political resistance so people understand strategic targets and US seems months if not years away from that. It will happen if/when military-trained people get involved in resisting the coup.
Like they sold average of 12,000 vehicles a day in Canada (some number like that, Tesla allegedly fraudulently claimed they sold loads of EV in order to claim subsidies from Canadian government worth $millions)?
'squatting movement' sounds like some kind of weaponised shitting. Knowing the Dutch, I think they'd be amused by that idea.
And someone (on the Far-Right) is always trying to buy Wikipedia, monetise it, X-ify it, or take it down. I think Wikipedia is abusive - exploits volunteer unpaid labour - should have been created by an NGO like UN and kept safe for mankind like our Library of Alexandria. But it is what it is. Preppers download the whole site regularly in order to have that knowledge under their control in case is ever gets taken down or spoilt and they are rebuilding civilisation post-Armageddon. I keep meaning to download it myself (note to self: do that soon you lazy b. no more excuses!)
XDA forum was that for me. Great place to start and then follow links or do more research using the keywords used in the discussions. Just helpful for things like learning if a kernel is potentially fixable or not before buying a second-hand device for a custom rom project. The new look / reorganisation of stuff annoys me though as I find it harder to find stuff than it used to be but that's because I am using it on autopilot. I guess new users might find it attractive / easy to navigate?
"If anyone says they're a libertarian, I just shrug and leave." - Atlas In His Own Words
This is a worry for me. I opened an ebay.co.uk account in 2004. You had to pay for purchases via Paypal. I had all sorts of problems using Paypal and customer care was lousy. I started looking into Paypal and decided it was unethical. I opted out. Ever since, I have been looking for more ethical financial services. When I cannot find them, I just do without stuff.
Right now, I have allegedly ethical bank accounts with Co-Op Bank (UK), Smile Bank (UK) and Triodos (EU). I have a savings account with a community-run credit union (UK) and a prepaid debit card account through my trade union for online purchases (UK). This is good enough for UK-based activity. But I often need to send money abroad e.g. to charities in other countries or to support podcasts or creatives based abroad. I am asked to fund via USA resources like Patreon and I refuse. I want an ethical alternative.
I want to see each nation (or groups like the EU) create its own local resources and make them compatible with other nations via some exchange service that guarantees secure, quick, ethical transactions. I am glad EU is starting to do this, it is decades overdue. I guess UK will drag itself forward eventually but only after we get a government able to live in the here and now instead of the C20th like Starmer does - I suspect he has not had a new idea since 1995. He's younger than me but his mental processes make him seem like my grandfather. Oh, for some young people in government!
P.S. Hello, Media Storm, UK prize-winning investigative journalism podcast. You are great but I cannot fund you as you use oligarch-owned Patreon and communicate only via oligarch-run Instagram or gmail - if you read this, set up some UK-based, ethical comms or funding account and I will set up a monthly subscription. I will email you about this using mediastormpodcast(at)gmail.com but I resent it.