Shower outside at a beach house to clean off sand
It's a 4th of July tradition
It's not the size of the data center, it's the motion of the overall bandwidth charges.
Good god this movie is TENSE. Check out the original French version from the 50s if you can find it. Wages of Fear. Goddamn my man.
I remember when I had all ten fingers... and both eyes. And both testicles. Be careful with bottle rockets kids.
Or have your boy Geoffrey scrub it out good and proper.
Yeah it's for when you didn't have room for a mud room. Scrape that shit right off!
Their dietary and exercise regimen is hardcore. These guys are built as all hell underneath the fat. I've been following Sumo for ten or so years and I am constantly astonished by the raw fucking power the rikishi bring to the dohyo, especially at the sekitori level. These guys are absolute beasts.
I think at a certain point we just need to stop building trolleys.
I'm a proud female pleasurist!
This is what I've been thinking ever since they announced it!