I didn't find either group on social media. Real groups have some other way to reach them.
Pick an activity. I'm into the outdoors, so looked at local Sierra Club chapters and cycling clubs. Joined a couple. Met a lot of people.
That's long been true for a chunk of the population. It's not enough to explain the trend
You can do a potluck cheaply at someone's home. It's that people don't
I don't think he really cared much; it's more that Trump got a billion-dollar bribe from the fossil fuels industry.
Notice how it's a statement from another insurer
There's a chunk of the population for whom this is a very big deal, and it's easy to communicate what happened.
The problem is that as a random cemetery worker who can't afford bodyguards 24/7, pressing charges stands a significant chance of getting you killed.
The thing that's amazing is that Walz did these things in the 1990s, when it was still reasonably common to fire teachers for any kind of hint they might be gay. That takes real courage.
A lot of engineering was done assuming that rainfall behaved the way it did in the past. That's not a valid assumption anymore.
If they bought a policy from the state FAIR plan, they'll still have some coverage.
Mind you, the FAIR plan is undercapitalized and likely to assess policyholder and/or insurers to make it up