legally no, but it's not like the governor of colorado is sending ukraine weapons - they're just words and as such do not violate the constitution. ianal, etc etc
I explicitly choose yellow when it tries to get me to pick one because why the fuck should my emoji convey race when it doesn't need to?
I mean it's easier and vastly more compatible than it was even a couple years ago thanks to the proton devs.
my backup is staring longingly at LTO drives and wishing they would magically be affordable.
Statistically, so are most north american humans.
Such a cozy setup!
Gonna need a little higher density barcode lol
Why did I think this was about Wayland?
So they were offered absolutely nothing
Adding in yt-dlp. Not a platform but a useful tool to download youtube videos for archival or redistribution.
I think we should just ignore anything that comes out of this admin to the greatest extent practical. Don't give them legitimacy.
as always dns is the weak link in internet infrastructure. if they can takedown piracy domains they can take down anything.