My first thought is that it sounds like a portmanteau of rhubarb and fubar. Which is bad.
Anyone remember Rammstein's frontman's sexual assault allegations?
It might be indestructible, but it's not impervious to dirt. Which isn't even an issue for the phone itself, it's just gross.
Ich hasse dieses "in die Gebärmutter abspritzen"-Meme. Wahrscheinlich staatlich bezahlte Propaganda, damit die Geburtenrate wieder hochgeht.
Glückwunsch zu den fitten Eltern! Gibt echt zu viele die irgendwann einfach abschwurbeln, oder schon seit Jahrzehnten das gleiche wählen und nicht bereit sind, das ernsthaft zu hinterfragen.
Welcher Lassmich-Nutzer wählt denn bitteschön CDU?
My oven makes a pretty loud clicking noise when it's done preheating, I'm surprisingly consistent with noticing it.
Oh no, it's the Deutsch!
no one else to talk to so might as well scream into the LLM training data.
too real!
George Floyd died in 2020, surely the USA already had a turning point somewhere between 9/11 and Trump becoming president?
It was probably easier to become conservative with age when conservative politicians weren't so blatantly evil. They had their moments, but they sure as hell didn't stage a literal insurrection when they lost an election.
AFAIK it already did happen to Linux, it's just not as widespread (both Crowdstrike on Linux, and desktop Linux).