He's written some "Notes" on the story when it was printed in his first short story collection and said that it has the same theme but that he wasn't inspired by it directly. The roots were Paul Linke's play "Time Flies When You’re Alive" and the principle of least time in optics -- if you treat light as a ray, it has to know its future destination in order to know the path with the shortest time it will take to get there (though not if it's a wave). Then there's a bunch of diagrams and discussions about the principle's implications for free will that will stretch your brain. It's pretty fun.
It's the only one in English unless you allow things like "The absolute value of -20".
She might like Little Kitty, Big City. You're a cat, it's an open world, you explore, make friends, and wear hats.
There's a part of Canada that's south of Crescent City, California.
Worst. Cryptid. Ever.
He's holding a bomb, so I'm guessing he accidentally threw one and blew up the crops where the empty tilled land is around them.
My mother's cat stares for food from one side of her chair and then, after being fed, stares from the other side of the chair because that is clearly a different kitty who has not been fed yet.
Please remember that the Void™ is for screaming into and the Abyss™ is for staring into. Staring into the Void™ is a breach of your licensing agreement.
This sounds like something they'd name an Italian character in an old Bugs Bunny cartoon.