Wikitionary says "j" like jeep: d͡ʒiːp
Been playing quite a bit recently after not touching it for a year or so. Hit my usual wall right around the end of Year 2 with marriage and the Mines done and just the rabbit's foot left in the Community Centre. I'll see if I can finally get deep into the Desert this time.
Link to another version of it, for those of you region-locked out of it like me:
Oh no! Anyway....
When the Dungeon Master had to wrap up all his plot threads in the final session.
"And Honey? You're it."
Hip Knox and the Queer Machine were a one-hit wonder back in the Nineties, I think.
Origin story for the the shortest-superhero-career-before-being-shot-to-death ever.
"Gork invented new thing that use pepperonisaurus and mammoth cheese left-overs."
"I'll take plot twists pulled out of my ass for $400, Alex."
Expedia reviews were different back then.
Damn, I missed that, sorry -- it was making the rounds today and I assumed....