z2 y' // inspection (32 STM)
M F2 R' F D' F2 // (Blue-White) FB (6)
r U' R2 U2 r2' U' r U' r' U2 r // (R2) nmSB (11)
U2 R' U r U2 r' // 1CLL (6)
M U' M' U' M2 U2 M U' R2 // LSE (9)
z2 y' // inspection (32 STM)
M F2 R' F D' F2 // (Blue-White) FB (6)
r U' R2 U2 r2' U' r U' r' U2 r // (R2) nmSB (11)
U2 R' U r U2 r' // 1CLL (6)
M U' M' U' M2 U2 M U' R2 // LSE (9)
Monthly 3x3 Scramble:
F' U2 L2 F D2 L2 F2 L2 R2 D2 L' U2 R' D' F' D B' D U' R'
Update v1f (final):
As long as I'm not forgetting any event quests, all the saves should be 100% complete.
Happy Hunting :)
Thank ye kindly. Are you a mod here? (The mods section is blank for me)
I'm just sad that the people that helped me complete this won't get to see it :(
ranting about reddit:
Something similar has happened to me before, when I posted innocuous .ru and appspot (dunno what the wider website is) links.
Not only were my comments locked at 1 upvote, any comment I upvoted was too. I felt quite shitty not being able to upvote anything.
Still, why would they filter out archive org links? I'm sure I've seen others post them before...
Good purchases imo. The WRM 21 is my main!
They're also both very different cubes: The WRM is fairly flexible and the Super RS3M (v1) is quite blocky (It also has weak magnets). Dunno about the other Super RS3Ms (v2, v5).
Note that the Super v1 is very different from the RS3M 2020. I've never tried one, but from what I've heard the 2020 should be somewhere in between the 2.
The WRM 2021, WRM Maglev or Tornado v3 are great because you can adjust the strength of their magnets.
Any other WR M and most other cubes have really strong magnets and don't have adjustment features at all.
You wouldn't wanna be stuck with a cube that's hard to turn.
Adjustable magnets can have an annoying clicking sound though.
I've heard the RS3M 2020 (that zarxrax recommended) has weak magnets, which is great. They won't click and annoy you and if you wanna try out stronger magnets, you can buy additional magnets and add them in (very easy).
Again, I might be wrong, but:
Full PLL is 1 look PLL. Using 1 algorithm to solve PLL.
Full OLL is also 1 look and uses only 1 alg.
Are you sure you meant 4 look PLL and not 4 look LL (Last Layer)? That would use 2 look PLL and 2 look OLL.
Speedsolving Wiki has good info on terminology.
CFOP is a method (more optimized version of LBL(Layer by Layer))
PLL is an algorithm set used to Permute the Last Layer (which can be split into 2 steps or looks). I'm not familiar with CFOP so I don't know if 4 look PLL is a thing.
I use the Roux method and I highly recommend trying out other methods! It's harder to learn them once you're set in your ways :P
Roux, using CMLL (some CMLL2 and CMLLEO)
What about yourself?
This is subpar but I felt obligated to post something :P
rouxfmc: Green-White FB (35 STM)
y x' // inspection
D r U' R2' F U' R U' M' B' // FB (10)
M2 U2 R U' r2' U2 M U // SB (8)
y' z'
f2 R' F' r U R U' r' // 0CLL (8)
S U' S' U2 S' U' S U2 S // LSE (9)
Update 2024/07/16:
I have checked every event quest against Ping's Dex and can confirm that these saves include all of them!
However, many DLC cats for MH4G (possibly even MH4U) are missing. Nothing can be done about this until goshawk (unless someone has a source).