Accelerationism hasn’t proven to be an effective method of dealing with him so far. There’s no reason to believe that pattern would change because of this.
In America, the reason is basically “religion”. There are architectural standards which designers refer to for guidance, and the dude who did the architectural standard for restrooms was super hardcore religious. His standard called for big gaps in all the seams, to prevent people from masturbating in the stalls. Basically, he wanted people to be able to peek into stalls, as a sort of modesty check. And eventually, it just became accepted as normal, even though everyone (including Americans who were born and raised with them as the standard) hates the huge gaps.
In modern day, they’re mostly done to deter drug use. I guess the reasoning is similar, with the large gaps intended to allow people to peek into the stalls and see if someone is doing drugs.
Yeah, newer generations have been raised on tech that “just worked” consistently. They never had to do any deep troubleshooting, because they never encountered any major issues. They grew up in a world where the hard problems were already figured out, so they were insulated from a lot of the issues that allowed millennials to learn.
They never got a BSOD from a faulty USB driver. They never had to reinstall an OS after using Limewire to download “Linkin_Park-Numb.mp3.exe” on the family computer. Or hell, even if they did get tricked by a malicious download, the computer’s anti-virus automatically killed it before they were even able to open it. They never had to manually install OS updates. They never had to figure out how to get their sound card working with a new game. They never had to manually configure their network settings.
All of these things were chances for millennials to learn. But since the younger generations never encountered any issues, they never had to figure their own shit out.
Yeah, Biden’s term was simply quiet. For the most part, the government ran properly and things didn’t break. But he also refused to actually spur the DOJ into action, because he didn’t want it to be seen as a frivolous witch hunt. He was more focused on keeping the peace than he was on actually protecting the country from domestic threats.
.ml tends to moderate things before they get outrageous. The biggest issue is simply the censorship that happens quietly. It’s less “extremists screaming at each other/into the heavens” and more “Big Brother is ensuring you don’t accidentally post anything that goes against the officially approved narrative.” The heavy censorship ensures the echo chamber remains polite (because they leave very little room for disagreement) but very echo-y.
So as an outsider looking in, you tend to see a bunch of polite discussion. It isn’t until you dig deeper (and see a bunch of the removed comments, and users who got banned for totally mundane things) that you actually begin to see the whole picture.
New Mexico license plates specifically say “New Mexico USA” because so many New Mexican residents kept getting pulled over for having “foreign” plates when traveling throughout the US.
Yeah, exactly. First world was allied with the US. Second world was allied with the soviets. Third world was basically everyone else, and was largely considered irrelevant to the Cold War. That’s why “third world” became a signifier of undeveloped countries; If a country wasn’t part of the Cold War, it was likely because they didn’t have enough developed resources or manpower to be considered a war asset. If they were developed enough to contribute, one of the two sides would have already been working on recruiting them to the war.
Unfortunately, modern cars will track you even if you block the plate. They all have cell connections nowadays for things like firmware updates and manufacturer tracking. You should assume that every single thing you do in your car is recorded and sent straight back to the manufacturer. Car companies have shifted their priorities towards selling data, not just cars.
If you go to a rally, don’t drive, and don’t take public transit because they all have cameras in the cabins. Ride a bike, walk, use a motorcycle, or basically anything besides a car or public transport.
The biggest thing you can't move is posts and comments, but comm subscriptions, block lists, tags, saved posts etc are all easily exportable and importable to another instance
Some apps even have this built in directly. Voyager, for instance, has a Migrate option in the settings. Also, many people see the lack of post/comment migration as a bonus. I would burn my Reddit accounts every year or two, simply to avoid any accidental build-up of PII that could be compiled to dox me. Hell, I’ve been on Lemmy for about two years now, and this account was only created a few days ago because I just recently burned my old one.
Yeah, the lack of local accountability was a large part of why Trump “threatening” to pull the military out of Japan was a monumentally stupid bluff. Japanese people already hate the US military, because the average Japanese person’s perception of the US military is “drunk dude causes damage/hurts someone and flees back to base where he will never see any punishment.” It also came at a time when hardline conservatism and patriotism (bordering on jingoism) is increasingly popular in Japan. Japan basically went “fucking do it then.”
It depends on which app you’re using. Voyager displays it out to 30 days, IIRC. But I think you can also configure that somewhere in the settings. I recently made this account after being here for over a year, so it’s amusing seeing the baby face next to my own comments.
But also, tetanus is commonly misunderstood. Scapes and scratches are extremely unlikely to result in tetanus, regardless of what causes it. Rust isn’t any more likely to transmit tetanus.
Tetanus is an anaerobic microbe that can only really survive in deep cuts and punctures where air isn’t able to reach the wound. The spores are basically everywhere… But the spores only bloom and become dangerous when they come into contact with blood. Once they bloom, oxygen will kill them. So you don’t need to worry about it for surface-level scratches and scrapes, because the air will kill off any blooms. The only reason it is commonly associated with rust is because one of the more common puncture wounds is from stepping on rusty things.