[-] lucidwielder@kbin.social 15 points 1 year ago

just prove none of you value actual discussion.

This is a meme sub. Would be like me getting upset at people for posting Linux related questions under the Linux sub vs some tech sub or Windows sub.

There are proper places to have discussions and if you think a meme sub is one of them then you are going to have a bad time. Whether it plays into the hands of conservatives or not is another debate - but generally speaking I do not think making fun of their religion and views in this manner is something they can really weaponize. At some point they are likely to reach a tipping point where more and more people find them insufferable and start tuning them out. People can rarily keep using the same playbook to engage people over and over without them getting tired &/or fed up with it and them eventually.

A good number of us caught on to their grift early on, but en masse, people are slow and dumb. Sadly they need time to catch up to the latest scams and new mediums.

[-] lucidwielder@kbin.social 12 points 1 year ago

Makes me less sympathetic for her. Her having kids though & being part of that MAGA culture is VERY concerning though. But you know.. there are lots of men & women that don’t think too deeply about politics & many that don’t share their spouses politics as well. It surprises me - but I honestly don’t think someone wakes up crazy one day.

Also spouses that get surprised later most likely didn’t know because they were too afraid to ask &/or probe into meaningful & telling areas for one reason or another. And many just go along to get along, & I hate that as I couldn’t be attracted to anyone w/ shitty political beliefs & I feel like others should do the same so us that care aren’t stuck looking for partners or a partner unknowingly being w/ a crazy person.

[-] lucidwielder@kbin.social 27 points 1 year ago

Very true. I remember vbscript. I still have to write some occasionally. What’s funny is that powershell gets all the attention & security applied to it - but vbscript likely keeps its flaws in the name of backwards compatibility. I’m betting vbscript is a huge attack vector just waiting for some major exploitation that leads to its removal or being severely gimped.

[-] lucidwielder@kbin.social 27 points 1 year ago

Oh get out of here w/ that. It’s not bad as much as it’s just stupid - it’s literally a top down approach to social media. Fb & instagram have already made it big so of course they can launch & pull whatever bs they want.

It wasn’t organic & they hadn’t built anything w/ true merit & people are still tired of Zuck. He’s marginally better than musk these days at best. And maybe people aren’t as crazy about celebs & influencers wanting to be seen & heard as we all thought - as that’s not social media - that’s a Coca-cola commercial.

[-] lucidwielder@kbin.social 9 points 1 year ago

Pretty sure the best thing we can do w/ third-world assholes like him is ignore him. Don't talk about it, don't repost, don't engage w/ his supporters - just shutdown the conversation when his name is mentioned. Only reason he has a following is because of his supporters loving to get re-actions from people.

Don't give it to them.

[-] lucidwielder@kbin.social 10 points 1 year ago

Slack too - just pay them $9 to access your own posts lol.

[-] lucidwielder@kbin.social 7 points 1 year ago

Tbh I would rather browse flickr or dpreview when that was a thing than to jump on instagram. Never been on it - but seeing the stuff an ex would post and others I always found it offputting. I am sure it had good pictures on it at one point, but that was so long ago I never had an opportunity to experience it. I assume it was good before facebook bought them.

[-] lucidwielder@kbin.social 9 points 1 year ago

Why was it linking to web archive instead of the source?

[-] lucidwielder@kbin.social 103 points 1 year ago

Yep - best option is to defederate them well before they gain traction & start creating problem by not contributing back to the protocol in a way that benefits everyone.

I think after the community got burned by Microsoft & then google we’re finally learning.

[-] lucidwielder@kbin.social 7 points 1 year ago

Tbh it’s far more likely they’ll implement extensions to activitypub that are specific only to threads & make activitypub users want them - but can’t have them - this peeling off users for them vs a slower moving, free & collaborative platform.

Imho to avoid a Google loves XMPP (they pretty well killed it) situation ActivityPub servers need to largely block Threads completely or face being extinguished in much the same way as XMPP. Don’t give them a foothold & don’t trust that a private entity like Meta will play nice, they aren’t joining to be a peer, they’re joining to either take it over or kill the competition.

[-] lucidwielder@kbin.social 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Just goes to show everyone that wealth =/= intelligence and while I feel sorry for the rest of the people and their families in there - I do think that if anyone should have died in that mess it was the CEO himself & certainly not some random tourist that he couldn't have cared less about besides their money and those tourist dollars.

[-] lucidwielder@kbin.social 6 points 1 year ago

If lol? I think it is obvious that they will already - at least for anything tech or dev related for sure and that will be enough to sustain it because obviously those same people have other interests as well, and will attract gamers and the rest. It may take time for the Vinn diagrams to all align with each other but the rest will come eventually.

How reddit itself formed.. tech the tech centric audience from Digg and slowly everyone came along with them - even if they didn't like the transition initially. Reddit has literally committed suicide whether spez realizes it or not. I think obviously people like Mark Zuckerberg and the guy ahead of twitter - pre-elon saw it coming, why bluesky exists and why Facebook wants to join as well before they become irrelevant.

Spez is a fool who can't see past his own nose and just wants to cash out by IPO'ing - but the thing is he's both too late and mishandled the IPO already. He will get the absolute smallest pay day of all the platforms that have gone public in any way imho. I am sure he'll make out fine still, but it will be a small pittance that it could have been had he shown an ounce of respect for the reddit community.

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