J'ai écouté quelques épisodes des naufragés, merci pour la reco !
Rien à voir mais je viens juste de tilter ton pseudo 😁
That’s all cool and nice, but let’s see what happens to the prices when Taiwan gets invaded.
From « a couple weeks ago », to « I’m married now » oh boy, that escalated quickly but then I saw the decades word! Good for you you were able to ditch this abuser.
Edit: ha, I misread the whole thing, my bad
This man is not inside a bubble, he is the bubble
I find it interesting that we answer to the green texts like if we were on 4chan. When there are very few chances tha OP reads the actual messages
In France 5 weeks PTO is the minimum. But depending on where you and with who you work, taking a leave can be seen very differently.
You can also have more than 5 weeks but it hides overtime work behind that needs to be accounted else the company can be sued for it. So they sell you a nice job with lots of PTO but in fact they don’t appreciate that you may enjoy what they owe you.
Jesus Christ USA, are you alright?
That’s what a vampire would say
It's worth noting that she wanted to open the court proceedings to the public because there are more than 80 indicted individuals. This is so brave, those trash won't remain anonymous.
C’est dur à lire. Je me dis souvent que bien qu’on ait été tellement habitué à la violence et au sang à la télé, ça doit être un cauchemar de voir et vivre ce genre de choses en vrai.
J'espère que cette dame va réussir à entamer ce travail de deuil avec le procès et revivre un peu.