[-] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 4 points 1 week ago

Fuck me, if that doesn’t accurately sum up the neo liberal agenda idk what does.

[-] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 5 points 1 week ago

People are really tired with status quo and I understand why. But unfortunately we’ve had a class war waged against us for the last 54 years maybe even a little longer snd now many people don’t have the ability to understand how we got to where we are.all that matters is we are now here at a point of full fledged fascism and we need to mobilize and get ready for a civil war. Those in control of the current administration have said the revolution will be bloodless if the left allows it. The left that ass clown was talking about isn’t even the real left. The dem party is a neo liberal right leaning center controled opposition party and that’s a large part of the problem. True leftism has been eradicated from the discussion for the last 54 years and what we have told is left is actually feckless limp dicked conservatism masquerading as leftism fo maintain the class dictatorship at all costs. It is high time for accelerationism. Most social media outlets are completely censored and controlled. Now is the time to stand up, buy a gun, make some bug out kits/ plans, organize and prepare for the worst. It isn’t going to get better that is for sure.

[-] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 5 points 1 week ago

Khajit does not have wares…. and does not consent.

[-] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 5 points 2 weeks ago

It also seems he may have been radicalized during the time he went radio silent with his family. The only thing i see that points to him being conservative are posts about being against pornography which is a pretty exploitative industry in and of itself. However I personally believe sex work should be legalized/ regulated regardless of the nature of sex work. Prohibition in any industry only makes it more exploitative in my opinion

Im not saying he is surely a left or right leaning, most people in the us are somewhere center even those who consider themselves on the left. Im pretty far left. I often say i make bernie sanders look like newt gingrich

Regardless one can make a lot of social progress in a year and especially on a psychedelic self discovery journey its impossible to say for certain what his sociopolitical ideology is on a larger scale. It may be just speculation but i believe that from the time he spent volunteering at his family owned nursing homes he saw how disgusting and exploitative the health insurance industry was milking the elderly of all classes for their accumulated wealth to make a profit. This is very likely what radicalized him to see the corporate executive class as the parasites they are.

Also from the investigation i have done it seems he had a contentious relationship with his family especially his mother who may have lambasted him for idealistic and lofty ideals. And if he is indeed the one who pulled the trigger on december fourth then he did so knowing that he would be forfeiting a massive inheritance and ultimately betraying his upper class conservative capitalist roots. This is a very leftist revolutionary act in and of itself that cant be ignored regardless of what he may have written in his youth and posted on social media. I know in my early 20’s i was probably closer to the center than i am now. I once stupidly thought all lives matter was the right slogan and thought that things could be changed from within the system ie ballot box initiated change but now a decade or so later and I've come to accept reality for what it is.

I don't think we will be able to know much till after this trial is over. And the final verdict will likely impact how much he actually divulges on the speculated intent. I personally believe the “manifesto” ken klippenstien released that LEO gave journalists with an order not to publish isnt the legitimate document but rather the essay on the website pepmangione dot com slash manifesto sounded far more legitimate and something more so in line with what an ivy league educated individual would write but thats just my gut feeling.

[-] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 5 points 3 weeks ago

Price of gold goes Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtrtrtttrtrtttrrtrrtrtrttrr

[-] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 5 points 2 months ago

Im not anti ev or anti Lifepo batteries, i love my lithium iron phosphate batteries. They make my impact wrench hammer off tough fasteners without having to fuck my back up. Im just pro reality and the reality is there is a serious bottleneck of lithium production.

But anyone saying we will be able to increase the lithium mining supply 10 times what it is now is selling you a bridge over the straight of Gibraltar. And maybe that bridge will eventually come but were talking about building that bridge over and over and over and over. Society also needs to stop treating vehicles like they are a disposable consumer good and sending them to scrap yards after a decade or less of use. These are realities of the market. Tell me how we are going to increase lithium mining ten times what it is now in a safe and efficient way. There is currently only one lithium mine being built in nevada but there is heavy pushback from state legislature to open up any other lithium deposits in the US but even if we did i don’t see lithium mining producing enough cheap lithium to boost ev production past triple what it currently is.

I am not saying we don’t need to transition away from ICE. But also we could have had ice vehicles continue to operate in our society for another 5 centuries if big industries weren’t polluting the environment to maintain the production of mostly useless consumer goods that end up in landfills within 6 months of their purchase. All these plastic petro chemicals littering our oceans our coastlines and every where else. Society needs to prioritize what it deems valuable and instead of doing that weve allowed a few greedy sociopaths go prioritize continual growth, profit and shareholder value over the good of society itself.
But ill be here with popcorn watching and waiting for lifepo batteries to increase in production 1000% (and this doesn’t even count the needed increase for larger industrial power tools that currently struggle to run on anything but gasoline like railway and industrial impact wrenches that are sk large and heavy they need a crane to support their weight during operation.

[-] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Moderates? you mean centrists? Leftists shouldn't be moderate. A moderate leftist is a neo liberal and a neo liberal is a right leaning centrist pretending to be a leftist.

Also hamas inst a terrorist group its a liberstion resistance group. Israel was literally born of terrorism and nothing resembling radical islamic terrorism existed till the 1960’s before then from 1899 till 1948 we had the irgun hagannah palmach and lehi waging a campaign of terror responsible for dozens of violent attacks and murfering between 6 and 8 thousand Palestinian jews, Christians and muslims as well as british military personnel and other international citizens caught in the crossfire. Zionists are the true terrorists in this conflict. If you dont agree youre not on the left you're a right leaning centrist making excuses for a settler colonial state guilty of war crimes.

[-] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 5 points 2 months ago

Just when I ask what more can space karen possibly do or say this year thats more idiotic than all the other shit he has done or said, he gives us this polished gem of a turd.

[-] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 5 points 2 months ago

So at least 27 crazy motherfuckers have survived this? Likely induced hypoxia and worn a few extra layers to escape whatever hell they were in back home and take a gamble on odds worse than betting on black at a roulette wheel? Dayyuummmm i mean maybe if the others bought a hart or milwaukee battery heated coat and taken a tank of oxygen the odds would double in their favor?

[-] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 5 points 2 months ago

Netflix entered into the already existing sphere of greed based commodification / exploitation that legacy media created decades ago. these legacy media conglomerates (owned circularly by the same big players in wall street black rock, vangaurd, state street et all.) dominate and control multiple industries and now Netflix is just part of that same ecosystem amassing wealth for their own self centered agenda without much, if any oversight at all. Theres just few greedy old cigar smoking men or rather boardrooms lead by these same men controling a majority of the world. Blackrock, blackston, state street and vanguard circularly own about 20% of disney and they own around the same percentage of netflix as well. Nevermind all the other media outlets they own large shareholding positions of. Greed is not the accidental result its the primary objective

[-] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 5 points 2 months ago

You're right! But so many times i hear the wrong phrasing used to protect the institution of modern policing. Language matters. Which is why I believe “defund the police” was chosen after the george floyd and brianna taylor(and all the other mostly brown casualties of police brutality) inspired protests. It was chosen because it was destined to fail even though the police do need to be defunded and demilitarized however the proper language should have focused around ending drug prohibition which is the main factor allowing racist attitudes to continue permeating police culture and a majority of police tax payer funding goes to the enforcement of draconian drug laws that have blatantly failed their stated purpose. (Althiugh I personally believe the stated purpose of drug prohibition was never the true purpose and the true purpose was actually to increase the black market price of narcotics and funnel poor and mostly minority people into for-profit prisons despite the fact that affluent wealthy white people are the largest consuming and distributing demographic of narcotics.

Either way you are correct. one bad apple does indeed spoil the entire bunch and there are far more than one bad apple within all the collective bunches we have that comprise our modern militarized policing apparatus

[-] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 5 points 2 months ago

Agree to disagree. Is it on par with a forensic analysis of the writing style and composition of both documents? Definitely not. But is it completely useless? I don't think so. Might as well use AI as a tool whenever we can.

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