IIRC the wikipedia for each language is pseudo independent. This feature will eventually make it to all, I hope.
You have the president's face in airports?
I was confused by your wording, but I think you mean South of the USA rather than South America.
Possibly Azerbaijan taking over Artsakh.
Montevideo es la segunda ciudad con mejor internet móvil del mundo, según estudio
North America was built by the train, it was later destroyed for the car.
Docentes de Secundaria y Primaria podrán obtener grado universitario en diciembre
I am trying to picture it, but I think the sunwise convention only works in the Northern hemisphere.
Intendencia de Montevideo anunció nueva aplicación en línea para recargar tarjeta STM
Walmart Didn’t Kill the Small Town, It Is the Small Town [Hackernews discussion]
I heard you like cache, so I put some cache on your cache.
Most republics afaik have "Republic" in their name. I don't think that's the problem.
“Hoy no sabemos qué puede ocurrir en Montevideo”, advirtió geóloga tras sismo en Atlántida
Our sub has 77k subscribers and we got the threat.
Weint in Österreich, der Schweiz und Liechtenstein.
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I think word count is not the best metric precisely because of what you mention. "Krankenversicherungskarte" is one word vs the three word "health insurance card", but they convey the same information in roughly the same amount of characters.
Overall I don't find German particularly verbose, only sometimes a small phrase is condensed into a single word.