I love that your cat's name is Mildew!
It would be neat to have a community where images are posted and people discuss whether they are authentic photos or AI generated.
Brachiosaurus is my guy
Top 0.001% of listeners (11.9 million) for ELO with 27,261 minutes. I think I have a problem.
For me it's "is there a possibility the dirt is poisoned?" (Phase Is) and "is the dirt poisoned enough that you have to do something about it?"
straight from "get" to "had"
What is her name?
joined 2 years ago
Oh wow, you explained how I feel about vyvanse so well! It gets me to start tasks (the correct tasks) and focus a little better, but I'm still scatterbrained.
My biggest issue is evenings, when it wears off I am unmotivated and useless. If feel sad that I take the medication and it helps for work hours only.