so consider a smaller local instance like I'm setting up. If it's ever anything more than me and my mom it's gonna be a bunch of people I know and their friends. And if my instance is their entry point to the fediverse then yeah I want it to be as private as we can make it for them.
But also, even if someone's IRL identity was masked, I've only been around a week and I'm starting to recognize handles on the fediverse. Ideally we make friends here and it's a community for us.
Now imagine how humiliating it would be if someone malicious gained control over an instance and published everyone's subscriptions/likes etc. Sure more savvy users probably do have separate accounts but honestly most will not.
hmm weird. This bot is announcing an 18.2 release (and I think people are installing it.)
But the repo is still showing 18.1 as the latest.