yeah exactly
We were in Iraq for 20 years despite it being so unpopular and illegal
The off ramp is whenever the defense contractors start losing money and it's not profitable anymore
Only white countries though, when it comes to black people and brown people you don't give a rats ass, there's still dictators all over the world that none of you even give a s*** about
Didn't know that, thank you
Was Ron Paul racist against black people? Because Joe Rogaine is
Because that magically undoes every other horrible thing he's said in the past
The white people had a small pontoon boat, and they were blocking the dock, but the bigger boat ride everyone was on needed to dock there so one of the employees asked them to move out of the way so they could dock.
Instead of moving they got mad, probably because they were all drunk as skunks and decided to attack him for some reason and then ganged up on him out of nowhere and then a bunch of black people on the other boat and around saw it and came to his rescue before the cops show up
Also posting for lulz
Uh huh........yeah sure.........they're worried about lemmy..........right.......
Is it from reddit? Because there's a 99.99998% chance it's fake if it is
Lost all my SG-1 memes long ago. Sucks
Part of me misses those corney "feel-good" types of shows, the hyper-realism of the 2010's is getting stale and miserable now. I say bring back the corn