My first playthrough of Rimworld! (media.rimworld.gallery)

This video shows the colony in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z0iMi4pCKs as well as combat.

I'm using Royalty and Biotech DLC.

I ended with 37 colonists, all genetically engineered, highly bionically modified and geared in cataphract with charge rifles.

Love the game. I ended up using Boomalopes as my primary energy source, supplemented with Geothermal and Mechanoid artifacts.

I have my colonists all specialized in one skill that's prefixed in their name. Statues are my big money-maker, but it still takes a huge crafting, mining and discovery effort to maintain excellent Cataphract armor.

I'm proud of my base, but I tried to avoid reading much about the game or seeing others bases, so I don't really know how strategically effective it is!

[-] Tuco@rimworld.gallery 1 points 3 weeks ago

My final base for serious this time.

[-] Tuco@rimworld.gallery 2 points 1 month ago

The area I planned is now basically complete.

My plan is terrible. This is my first playthrough and created my plan largely without knowing the game mechanics.

My plan was to create two independent colonies on the same map, one on the left and one on the right. They would have their own food, crafting, and power, but would cooperate in defense, research, birthing new colonists etc. I separated the colonists into different zones that shared the outdoor areas and central palace. This breaks down because of item counts on the map being connected between the two colonies. For commodities like food I could overcome this with having high priority chests that mechs would balance, but for low quantity items like implants, this isn't feasible.

Even if I could split item counts between left and right, the base is also terrible because being planted on the zone boundary is a liability.

I've got a new layout I'm planning to make. I thought about moving to a new site like I did previously, but decided against it.

[-] Tuco@rimworld.gallery 2 points 1 month ago

Got royalty and started working on my throne room. Expanded to the west side of the area. I've got big plans!

[-] Tuco@rimworld.gallery 2 points 1 month ago

Third spring in my new home. I've doubled my walls and rebuilt my killbox to use shotguns. I've also expanded my indoor growing area.

[-] Tuco@rimworld.gallery 2 points 1 month ago

Summer of the next year. I've built out some more farming to get some food supplies, deathstrand and cotton. I've also built a mortar area. I'm currently trying to figure out pigs.

My killbox design is working well, but I want to change things up...

[-] Tuco@rimworld.gallery 2 points 1 month ago

My first winter in the new area just started. I've moved my killbox to be as close as possible to the core of my base, but I haven't gotten to test it against a good raid yet!

I'm building a wall around the entire quadrant I'm occupying. I'm selling my extra animals but it's seemingly hard to sell them quickly enough!!


This is day 12 of my new area. I've decided to mostly stay in one corner. I need to build a killbox next but don't know where I want to put it yet. Hopefully no raids show up soon!!

[-] Tuco@rimworld.gallery 2 points 1 month ago

@TheVillageGuy Does this post break any rules?

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