[-] TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world 2 points 18 hours ago

You are a brainwashed propagandist with that comment. Good for them. Can you explain to me why the US and NATO did not intervene with the genocide in Georgia? Make that TWO genocides. Who did? How much territory did they take? You know that counts in your inaccurate figure just as an example.

Americans are too stupid for the Internet.

It used to be "have a beer with the president" now it's a social following. Both are ridiculously stupid qualities to have in the highest office. And America is getting what the voters deserved with these terrible candidates.

Seconding. I have a 3D printer. A couple of them. And I use JLC for PCBs and 3D prints because they have AWESOME printers and it's just as fast to push the button and have it show up from them as it is for me to find the time and baby a print.

[-] TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

$300 for the most important piece of software on the hardware that you interact with every day, sometimes all day, for years? That's a steal.

And again, as an OS, Windows just works and Linux doesn't. Even if you wanted to set things manually in the registry to disable the bad consumer "features", you'd still spend less time than configuring a standard Linux install and it would be more stable.

It's like Apple fan bois nowadays. Ridiculous.

[-] TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

I'm sure if you edit the registry inside emacs from a live iso boot from 6 burned CDs, it will unlock all the golden rainbow features you require.

[-] TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

Yes exactly. I love Linux. I build embedded systems devices with it. I run it on some of my rack appliances. But I'm also not a blind fan boi.

Windows made leaps and bounds into stability with XP. And since then it's been a slow cog into being an excellent enterprise grade OS even with users bashing it all sorts of ways.

Most (all) of the complaints except price focus on money grabs and features for the docile masses. Forced updates, reboots, integrations, etc. My 80 year old relatives can use it and you know what it works great when they type into the "computer question box". Click start menu and type. It brings up their files, folders, apps, answers to web questions, etc. That makes sense to someone who doesn't understand a computer. It's not pandering to the IT folk, it's pandering to Karen.

If you're IT folk, you can just spend a little more money on the proper license and all that goes away. Or you spend some time hacking the registry and get it for free usually.

The only BSODs I have had in the last decade are graphics driver related usually when pushing beta drivers hard. My Linux OS's have had way more stability issues with less interaction.

[-] TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

I mean... He's not wrong. You shouldn't need your phone number or email as a requirement to drop off a prepaid package with a mailer. The courier service has that info there's no reason Walgreens should need it.

If you're getting insurance, asking historical insurance questions should give them a better understanding of your history, like if you're a brand new driver or not, etc. But it should not be required. Instead of "we have to know this" it should be "we need your history to determine policy risk and provide coverage. The less information we have the higher risk we have to assume and the more you pay. If you don't want to tell me your history that's fine, but you're going to pay more". In reality the insurance companies use giant databases to know exactly who and how you were insured. Payment histories, claims, everything. So it's moot and still wrong.

The sov cit movement is ridiculous, but they're not always 100% wrong in their stances.

Anecdotally I had a UPS Store try to pull the "you have to wait in line to drop off a package so we can get your details" crap for a prepaid drop-off. They can make you wait in line if they demand because they can ask you what's inside to determine if it's hazardous. That's their loophole for preventing drop offs. But they cannot demand your information. I'm not super important but do a fair amount of business with UPS for a rando (thousands $'s week which is a rounding error to them) and after a complaint, got a followup, and magically now they accept packages without requiring information. But you still have to wait in line for them there. The purpose of the information was to get you on the store's email list for promotions and presumably data sales.

[-] TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world 7 points 4 days ago

Bully terrorist state steals assets of other sovereign nation.

That's the headline.

[-] TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

No. It really isn't.

Windows with the proper license and configuration is more stable, more productive, and that configuration takes less than an hour once for the life of the machine.

In 2024 if you're still bashing Windows for BSODs, stability, updates, etc, you're doing it wrong. You can bash all day long for privacy violations and corporate greed but both of those are fixed with the proper version like Windows Enterprise. Costs more, but you are less of the product.

[-] TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world 27 points 4 days ago

If you were a minority you'd be pulled over every day, probably each way to and from work with that as the reason. Given expensive fix-it tickets each time. And most likely had your vehicle searched or impounded for multiple failures to comply. Not being hyperbolic, this has happened often. One guy it was 1 day, 3 tickets and then impound because he failed to fix the issue in a day.

When the rules are applied on a whim by whatever person with authority feels like, you live in tyranny. That isn't an orderly system. It is a failed nation.

[-] TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

American definitely has a culture. And most of it is shit. Keep that idiocy away.

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