[-] SereneSadie@lemmy.myserv.one 1 points 14 hours ago

You'd probably like Blake's 7 then, in regards to cameras.

[-] SereneSadie@lemmy.myserv.one 7 points 15 hours ago

Yeah, this is the theory that I've held since seeing a documentary investigating the whole incident. And for the life of me I cannot recall the name.

I find it far easier to believe the CIA would scramble to cover up a colossal fuck-up over any shadowy conspiracy of assassination. Incompetence is more reliable than competence, in a way.

[-] SereneSadie@lemmy.myserv.one 28 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

I don't care who gets bitchy over this;

America chose bald faced fascism and genocide, over the chance to end genocide and not-fascism.

Suck eggs, whenever you can save up for them. The stay-at-homes are just as guilty.

[-] SereneSadie@lemmy.myserv.one 11 points 1 day ago

Used to be Star Wars. Then my interest fizzled altogether anyway.

I feel like most sci-fi fandoms are like that. There are good bunches, then loud minorities that are either bigoted, excessive about details they don't like, or both

They say "Every child has a right to education."

And then behave as if it's "Every child has a responsibility to be educated."

So yeah, while I absolutely think education in itself is vital, I do get peeved when they immediately lie by changing what they do versus what they say.

By they, I mean outdated education boards of self-absorbed twits who grew up decades earlier and have no real grasp of what today's generation needs.

[-] SereneSadie@lemmy.myserv.one 14 points 1 day ago

Idiocracy runs on the assumption smart people would plan and prepare to save the stupid people down the line. Not rule them in cyberfeudalism. I wouldn't call it prophetic personally.

Get Out is a spotlight on existing problems. That have existed for a long time, and will likely continue to exist.

[-] SereneSadie@lemmy.myserv.one 4 points 5 days ago

Ah, Gene Roddenberry must've written the movie then.

[-] SereneSadie@lemmy.myserv.one 12 points 5 days ago

News media is contributing to the big smokescreen that the Nazi regime in America wants.

To then turn around and say 'while you were distracted' as if the public are to blame for not noticing is just plain hypocritical shittiness from said media.

[-] SereneSadie@lemmy.myserv.one 23 points 5 days ago

He bought the Presidency. Not eve a bribe at this point.

[-] SereneSadie@lemmy.myserv.one 4 points 6 days ago

30 in a month, never been in a relationship.

I blame shitty religion for ingrained a very toxic and twisted concept of relationships personally, and a 12 year mental break after my school life collapsed.

Financially, I'm in an okay position now. But, other problems arise that somewhat get in the way of feeling comfortable with myself, like dental. (Gender dysphoria is something I just have to live with).

Frankly, I just don't know where to even begin at this point.

[-] SereneSadie@lemmy.myserv.one 28 points 6 days ago

Of course they hate South Korea.

South Korea actually knows how to deal with fascist dictators.

[-] SereneSadie@lemmy.myserv.one 15 points 6 days ago

In a Yogscast TTT video some years back, Rythian used 'Green Mario' as a joking name for Bouphe, who was using the Luigi player model at the time.

For those who want to undermine reddit's power trip, I propose Green Mario as the first stick in their knee-bending attitude.

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