That's how I've been pronouncing it in my head when I read it.
I still say "Twitter" though because that and the gulf of Mexico are the only things I feel are okay to deadname.
That's how I've been pronouncing it in my head when I read it.
I still say "Twitter" though because that and the gulf of Mexico are the only things I feel are okay to deadname.
"yeah this thread is discussing how the American people are actively burning teslas and dealerships and all that but ameriturds totally won't do anything"
I'm watching news every day about how the Turd Reich is cracking down on anything that opposes them, but yeah the people totally aren't doing a thing.
The pearl clutching of many non-north American people is becoming nearly comedic.
It's always been "you shouldn't lump everyone on that label as the same because they aren't" up to now, so it sure is "confusing" as to why suddenly all Americans bad.
No, that's a jpeg representation on your screen of a photo of a rock.
Jesus fucking christ on a cracker, I will never understand how fuck heads like this got put in charge.
Until citizens can pressure those in government to uphold the rule of law and create/enforce consequences for unlawful actions, this sort of thing will unfortunately continue.
Yeah, the only way this is happening from now on in the US is for some very much not legal things to happen.
But hey, didn't someone recently say something about whoever saves their country commits no crime?
This is going to get people killed.
If I've got my CCW on me and I see a bunch of dudes in masks and no description clothing trying to force someone, especially a woman, into a vehicle, then I'm drawing and not stopping to ask questions.
Honestly I wonder if they're just waiting for that to happen so they can use it as an excuse to be even more brazenly brutal and operate even more openly.
This is not "I am an American and you should let me in" it's very much "I'm fleeing my country for political persecution please allow refugees in from this shit hole country"
Good to know nationalism, inhumane conditions, and good old fashioned concentration camps are acceptable as long as it's "hurting the right people"!
burn the system down
My takeaway at least.
I have been filling out applications recently and one place wanted me to download a mobile app that would record camera and microphone stuff while I filled out the application
Another company wanted me to record responses on a Webcam.
I tried being a moderator on a forum once, and after alerting admins and the FBI about csam less than a week in, I decided I was done being a moderator.
It was a forum for RC stuff, mostly diy rc planes.
Unfortunately, therapy only helps you cope, it doesn't let you forget.
Hey, so all the people who told me they need their guns "to fight tyranny"... They're gearing up, right?