[-] R00bot 7 points 4 months ago

lol tell me you've never used linux without telling me you've never used linux

[-] R00bot 8 points 5 months ago

Oh yeah we're 100% agreed on that. I'm thinking of the AI evangelicals who will argue tooth and nail that LLMs have "emergent properties" of intelligence, and that it's simply an issue of training data/compute power before we'll get some digital god being. Unfortunately these people exist, and they're depressingly common. They've definitely reduced in numbers since AI hype has died down though.

[-] R00bot 7 points 5 months ago

Nah the ML is generally just looking at trends in traffic on a network, and blocking traffic if it doesn't fit the trends. It's essential to use ML over humans for this because of the volume of traffic and the response speeds needed for cyber attacks. It's simply not possible for a human to vet all that traffic fast enough.

[-] R00bot 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Views don't update in real time but likes do. Always happens with big videos like this. It's something to do with YouTube reconciling the view counts across multiple servers, which gets very difficult with large numbers. It's a bit easier for them to create a stable like count when each user can only like it once, so they're essentially adding that user to a list and then counting the length of the list.

[-] R00bot 7 points 1 year ago

Ok Corduroy Jackson Jackson

[-] R00bot 7 points 1 year ago

Not guilty means there's some doubt, no matter how small. The jury could be 99% sure he did it and (by the book) he should be found not guilty. It's almost impossible to prove something like this, so stuff like this frequently gets not guilty verdicts regardless of whether they actually did it or not.

[-] R00bot 6 points 2 years ago

My first ending I killed myself because I didn't understand the two options it gave me. Option I selected was something like "end it" and I thought it meant like go to the final fight 💀

[-] R00bot 7 points 2 years ago

Wait, what does it mean?

[-] R00bot 7 points 2 years ago

Fuck sake. Of course they are.

[-] R00bot 7 points 2 years ago

I think the self DDoS theory is probably right, but I also think profitability might come into it. It wouldn't surprise me if Twitter aren't pulling enough high quality advertisers to make a profit on user minutes spent on the site. Would explain why twitter blue subs also copped the rate limit despite Musk's insistence that they can't be bots. At a certain amount of API calls per day even the Twitter blue subs stop being profitable.

[-] R00bot 7 points 2 years ago

They are more likely to roll than normal cars (SUVs excluded), and when they roll they're generally more likely to crush the roof due to their weight. So yeah, while they're better off than the car they hit, they're still not amazing safety wise.

[-] R00bot 7 points 2 years ago

I don't hate the electric ones as much, but they're still excessive imo.

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