They weren’t - they were on my file system and using symlinks in my Dropbox folder pushed them up to my DB account as well.
I think we can all agree that the best line of that song is “shut up Westley”.
Plus you can just download more if you need it.
Mister PICKard
Too much ketracel white
Been hatin’ Alexander since the show was on prime time.
uBO and Strongbox for PW management (used to be 1P, but since they forced everyone away from being able to store your vault locally, they had to go).
Perhaps one of the Nordic countries (don’t recall which ones). Anywho - sounded like a much better way to go for all parties.
There was no interest so I removed it.
My absolute favorite response is what /r/madlads did - they made all of their subscribers mods.
State to state, no papers?